
In McCreary County, there are 2 newspaper. THE VOICE is close to us, because I can read it once a week in school. Caleb is Jacob's friend, his father, Andrew Powell, is an editor in THE VOICE. So, I got an opportunity to visit the editors' office.


THE VOICE is a local newspaper, so it's not so big as United Daily News(聯合報) in Taiwan, it's only as big as your house. In fact, thanks for the computer technology, a tiny editors' office is enough to make a good newspaper.


There are 8 desks in the office, and every desk has an iMac computer. I had met one of the editors, Greg Bird, he has a feature in the newspaper, and he reports our school news a lot, so he is very famous in MCHS.


Andrew introduce the details about their newspaper for us, and he also show me the latest issue on the computer, let me compare to the real newspaper. It's awesom!


I asked how they know the "news" happend. He told me they have a police scanner that they listened to. The police scanner scan every kinds of frequency, including of policemen and firefighters' interphone and emergency news. When they hear somewhere happened something, they bring camera and drive there.


I told him what I thought about the difference between Taiwan's newspaper and their newspaper. They encourage students a lot, they must have school news in every issue; we have spaces to let reader contribute their articles, feeling, and opinion. Let reader feel that he/she is not only a reader but also a member of the newspaper. Both newspaper have their own advantages.


Anyway, I like to contribute my article to newspaper in Taiwan, that's why I'm so interested to newspaper. I heard a good news, I may have chance to put some photos and articles in this BLOG on THE VOICE. If it come ture, that will be my first time to publish my article in American newspaper. It must be cool!

↑Greg, Andrew, and me(start from left)

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