Today should be a beautiful Saturday, I may wake up at 10:00, and do nothing but enjoy weekend. But I woke up at 6:30, as early as school day, because I had an ACTtest that just like College Extrence Examnation in Taiwan.
The test have four subjects, English, Math, Reading, and Science. I brought my test ticket and followed the rule "I.D. REQUIRED", so I brought my only I.D.-Passport, but test center is our school, if any teacher know you, you shouldn't need I.D.
The test system is really different from Taiwan. Every year, they have 6 test times. And if you're junior(=2 grade in Taiwan high shool), and you want to have ACTtest, you may have more opportunities. So, some of students already had applied college when they were just a junior.
In my opinion, the easiest subject of these four is Math. Their Math question level almost equal our Basic Competence Test(國中基本學歷測驗). For example," If 7+3x=22, than 2x=? ".
The most difficult one is Reading. This test was killng me. In only 35 minutes, I have 4 long articles and 40 questions. I tried to concentrate on every words and questions, but vocabularies didn't know me, I didn't know them, either. Oh, gosh!
"I bet you must be the highest grade in this school." A friend talked to me before test.
I replied, "I hope so." How's my grade, only god knows.
"Check this out!"這是我每天必定聽到n次以上的話,這裡的小孩可不謙虛,做什麼小事大事都要你注意他,"Check this out!"就是要你"注意!"

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