9/4(Sun.)is my hostfamily's family meeting. Everybody prepare some foods to share, I ate very full. After lunch, my host mother's sister's family will go to camping. They invited me to join them. So my hostbrother and I go with them. There is another exchange student live with them, she's from Germany, her name is Anna.
We went to a National Park to camping. They used tent and camper for camping. This is my first time to live in camper. Everything is fresh to me. There are kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom in the camper. Outside is beautiful natural. We enjoyed the BBQ dinner with fresh air, fragrance, and sunshine. Because of the beautiful envirnment, the food taste more delicious.
9/5(Mon.)is Labor's day. We never regarded Labor's day as a holiday in Taiwan, but they do. So I have 3 days weekend. We still stay in the National Park untill Monday. And visit a mineral cave and a railway for shipping mineral. Anna and I both are senior in school, so we took lots of picture for school year book.
We rode bikes on winding road in hillside. When we were in downslop, it was very comfortable. On the opposite, we were very tired in upslop. I really enjoyed in these 3 days weekend. From Cumberland's Fall to National Park, I love the beautiful natural!!!
>>>>雙層純牛肉 / 獨特加料加生菜 / 起士洋蔥酸黃瓜 / 芝麻麵包蓋上去 / 好吃過癮麥香堡
>>>>Two all beaf patties , special sauce lettuces cheese , pickles onions on a sesame seed bun
Anna跟我說,德國的麥當勞可沒有Big Mac順口溜唷!
 這股無形卻堅實的力量竟把人與人之間的距離,拉得如此的緊密、、、   ......詳全文

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