昨天是平安夜,Felicia因為任職急診室護士,輪班關係,所以她仍需在節日上班,家族的聚餐因此定於前天(12/23)下午。我們有著跟感恩節大餐(見Thanksgiving)雷同的菜色以及相同的人物,不同的是,家裡的聖誕樹堆滿了家族之間互贈的禮物。我們在大餐後聚集一塊拆禮物,我和Jacob僅先拆了幾個來自Felicia, Janet, and grandmom的禮物,剩下的就等到聖誕老人來訪後〈也就是聖誕節早上)再拆囉!
"Jacky! Wake up! Santa claus is coming."周日一早八點半就被叫醒了,Jacob早就就緒準備拆禮物,但拆禮物是全家圍繞在聖誕樹旁,看聖誕老人為我們帶來啥驚喜,所以待全員到期後,才正式開始。我瞧見桌上一個空杯子裡頭有喝剩的牛奶與兩塊餅乾,呵!聖誕老人愛喝牛奶,聖誕樹旁記得要準備一杯!牆上一排聖誕襪也都裝載了禮物,像聖誕老人真的來過似的。
至於我拿到了些什麼呢,我把所有禮物(含朋友送的)全部陳列於下分享。比較有趣的禮物是,當天在聖誕大餐後,家族中有位年紀比我大上五歲左右的大男生拿到一盒保險套,卡片註明:Protect you and her! Ha ha ha! 

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This sunday is Christmas, it also means we have only half christmas holidays rest. (We'll start school after New Year's Day, Jan. 2nd.)
Our family celebration will take place tomorrow, it's a big dinner and family reunion, just like we did on Thanksgiving. I designed a family Christmas card(I show it on the bottom of this article.), we printed 30 copies out, I'm glad they like it.
These days, we got many Christmas cards from Felicia's family and friends. But most of them, there's only signature on the cards. They have really different writing cards custom from Taiwan.
I got some christmas wishes in my e-mail. Actually, the e-cards make not much sensation. But I still happy the friends who wrote me e-cards. Something really cheers me up is that I got 3 Christmas cards from Taiwan. 2 of them from friends, the rest one is from EF. It touched my heart very much.
Thanks for the technology, it makes our life faster. But we lose some emotion. So far, I wrote a bunch of postcards and cards to family and friends. Some of them sent me mail or left me some messages when they got the card. I would like to write the postcards only because I thught the feeling when you read the real words on a real card exceed when you read words on the e-mail. Do you agree with me?
Anyway, I want to say thank you to Chung-hsien, Yun-yun, and EF. I like the cards very much!

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Universal Pictures' King Kong

回到家後,應我要求,我們到電影院品嘗新版《金剛》(Felicia一直把金剛說成:Jacky wants to watch Hong Kong or Kong Kong....)。這部老電影,前幾天在電視台看到了舊版(第一代)後半段:舊版的金剛很假,看得出用燈光效果把小物體放大而作成,畫面黑白也不精緻。今天看的新版〈第三代〉,總長三小時又七分鐘,裡頭的金剛更是逼真的隨時要跳出銀幕。
片末有一句話堪稱經典:"It wasn't airplane, it's beauty kill the beast."(不是飛機殺了金剛,而是美女。)食色性也,美女的誘惑是超越人獸之間的!?

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It wasn't airplane, it's beauty kill the beast.



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下周日就是聖誕節,家裡的聖誕樹下早已堆滿了禮物,雖然都是接待家庭準備的,但其中有幾項卻註明:"To:Jacky , From: Santa",聖誕老人在孩子心中永遠不滅。
在學校也收到了幾張卡片和禮物。美國人寫卡片很懶,卡片通常會印有一些祝福的話,他們只在上面簽名﹔收到的禮物,最有趣的一項是 ─ 有人買了個印有龍圖騰的雙節棍給我,令我哭笑不得,不過此時發現取名字的重要性:"Jacky Cheng(承)"同學總愛這麼稱我。頓時讓我想到,剛到接待家庭時,接待媽媽帶我參加「獵人訓練」(見Hunter)填報名表時,她在我的名字欄填上"Chih Hsieh",姓氏欄填上"Cheng",直到那張「獵人許可」寄到家時,我才發現姓名放錯位置。接待媽媽笑著說:「我真把你當Jackie Chen了!」
家族的聖誕節大餐,今年恰也在我的接待家庭主辦,所以跟感恩節大餐一樣,大家會再團聚一次,只是這次「火雞」肯定不是主角了!同時,明起兩周是聖誕假期,就跟我們的寒假性質相同。先祝福大家Merry Christmas and Hapy New Year!

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  • Dec 17 Sat 2005 11:54
  • Final

Today is friday, it's the very last school day. But because of too cold, there are some ice on the road, so we get one more holiday! (I have heard about "snow day" before, it just like our "typhoon day" in Taiwan. But they told me that "snow day" depends upon the ice on the road. If ice on the road, it's dangerous on the way to school.)


Yesterday was first final day. I had test on first and third period. (And today should be the second final day, there are tests on the second and fourth perod.) My second period is physics, I had showed you our physics final test in last article. Fourth period is art, we will do open book test. As for the first period (madrigal) and third period (English) tests, I really have self-confident on that. Because I had learned music before, and English teacher help us to get good grade.


We made posters on Wednesday. The details on posters are vocabulary definition, author's life and typical bookmaking, and something important we had read in novals. Teacher also made us study guide. We can put something we thought we need in test on a small piece of paper, and we can use that paper in test. Anyway, the test style is really different from Taiwan.


The most difficult part in all tests is "open response". You have to write a short essay to reply the question. I hoped I did it ok.

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下周就是Final Week,不僅是"最後"一周,同時更是"期末考"周。在台灣時,記得期末考之前,大伙兒兢兢業業的準備考試,每天都在比誰的黑眼圈深(抑或是比誰比較會抱佛腳?Ha ha....just kidding),同時期待著考完試後的自由解放以及寒暑假的到來。
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Tonight(12/5) is my very first time formal performance. Although, madrigal often be invited to perform, but we always sing the same songs. But this time is different. We prepared about 8 songs, and we both sang and danced. All the songs are talkng about Christmas.
We started practicing at 2 months ago. At first, I enjoyed singing and dancing. But when we practiced constanly, the same song again and again everyday, I fell a little bit tired of that. But Christmas performance only once a year, and it sells tickets. We have to sing perfect. OK! "Practice makes prefact." Stop complaining.
How did I do tonight? I guess it's OK. Because I felt nervous. Although I ain't in the first line, but I still can see a lot of audience. It's been a long time I did't stand in front of large amount of people. Feeling nervous is normal, right?

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Our school have our own newspaper. It print out once a season. All the writer in the journalisim class. I would like to be one of the writers, but the class time is the same as madrigal, so I can choice one of them.
Although, I can't write article on the article, but I can be reported. Because that time in the Kentucky All-state Adjudication Choir(見All-state Choral Adjudication) I did pretty good grade. Scott wrote an article about we 6 persons in the choir. All of us did good job.
I want not only to share with you this article, but also want to share with you our school newspaper, so I asked the newspaper leader teacher about the newspaper file. The files are .pdf(use Adobe Reader to open). I was tried to put the file online, but after I update the file. it can't be download anymore. So all I can do is change the file from .pdf to .jpg. So you can see that in the photo file. But words on the newspaper may be blurred. So if you know how to put .pdf online, please tell me!

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story.chou.supporters.ap.jpg Supporters of Taiwan&apos;s Kuomintang (KMT) celebrate
Supporters of the opposition Nationalist Party county candidate Chou Hsi-wei cheer during a rally.(CNN)
The result is seen as a vote of confidence in the KMT's chairman.(BBC)
看完了台灣的報紙,又是心血來潮,跑到CNNBBC的網站,在搜尋處打下"Taiwan",兩家媒體都有了個關於這次選舉的報導類似標題"Taiwan opposition party wins poll",不過CNN的報導不敢直稱"Taiwan",而用"TAIPEI, Taiwan"。看到他們把馬英九陳水扁等人名和他們說的話翻譯成英文,讀了就覺得有趣,好像都是剛剛在台灣報紙讀到的新聞以不同語言重現。例如:"The KMT did not beat the DPP. The DPP was defeated by itself," KMT Chairman Ma Ying-jeou said.(「不是國民黨打敗民進黨,而是民進黨打敗自己。」國民黨黨主席馬英九說。)

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(↑LEFT: made in the end of August, RIGHT: made in October)
Every students have to make photo with a formal dress, boys wear tuxedo. After I made photo in August, and the photo company printed out for me. My mom said that my smile is weird, just like acting; Felicia had no comments. I thought it's ok.
After about a month, the same company came to school and made formal photo again. (I guess maybe they didn't get too many orders in the first time.) So, I made the formal dress photo again.
Today, I got the photo made at second time. When I saw my photo, I thougt it's funny. Because I had pell-mell hair, even forgot smiling. But the most amazing thing is......I can feel I become "strong".
Wa-ha-ha........American food...........

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今天是籃球季開始的第一天,同樣於當時足球季的首日,第四節課全校齊聚體育館,為今年度的男籃女籃選手加油,啦啦隊表演當然也少不了,大家尖叫著"Go Raiders Go!",並大力的為依依叫名出列的選手們與啦啦隊精湛的表演鼓掌。
比賽開始!兩隊球員以跳球開球,Felicia興奮的隨著啦啦隊加油拍手,坐在一旁的其他家長也喊著自己孩子的名字加油,每每Jacob球到手時,Jess & Felicia口中都念念有詞的為Jacob加油,"Go son! You can do it!",父母對孩子的愛不論在世界各地各區各家庭都是顯露無遺的。
賽中當然也發生不少趣事,例如A隊的球員進攻時竟猛跑向B隊籃框,走步、二次也一再發生,不過這些細節都被過濾掉了,在父母眼中的每個孩子,都是the best!

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When the first guy discovered America, he and the native American celebrate their harvest. Than, American start celebration "Thanksgiving".


Thanksgiving in the fourth Thursday every November. My host family has family reunion every Thankgiving and Christmas. Every member of this family will go to one of their house, and have a big dinner. This year is Felicia's tern, so we take place the big dinner in our house.


Our big dinner was on Saturday. (Althought Thanksgiving was on Thursday.) We started preparing at Friday night. Felicia's two sisters came to help with their children. Children play the Play Station 2 all night. We adult(I'm 18!) prepared mashed potato, beans, bread, gravy, dressing, corn, dessert, and the most important meal, turkey. We did that until midnight. It was tired but happy.


Saturday, I woke up until the turkey odor came to my nose. Felicia's sister and mother came, and we did the rest meal, than began eating after praying. We had more than 10 different food. It was great!


But the great thing is not food on holiday, it's family reunion!


Rick asked me "Do you remember what Sylvester Duncan(Anna接待家庭的爺爺,見Going Home...) told you?"


"Yes, tied one on!" I said.


He smiled, but I knew he was sad......



上回的"Newspaper"忘記提到這是份「週報」!美國的許多縣都有自己的報紙,不過大多以週報形式發行,畢竟只報自己縣上的大小事;而日報則是最小以"州"為單位發行(ex:肯德基州),至於紅遍台灣的美國報紙The New York Times,老實說迄今我還沒看到它的真面目,即使在肯德基的大城市,較常看到的是U.S.A. Today。

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In McCreary County, there are 2 newspaper. THE VOICE is close to us, because I can read it once a week in school. Caleb is Jacob's friend, his father, Andrew Powell, is an editor in THE VOICE. So, I got an opportunity to visit the editors' office.


THE VOICE is a local newspaper, so it's not so big as United Daily News(聯合報) in Taiwan, it's only as big as your house. In fact, thanks for the computer technology, a tiny editors' office is enough to make a good newspaper.


There are 8 desks in the office, and every desk has an iMac computer. I had met one of the editors, Greg Bird, he has a feature in the newspaper, and he reports our school news a lot, so he is very famous in MCHS.


Andrew introduce the details about their newspaper for us, and he also show me the latest issue on the computer, let me compare to the real newspaper. It's awesom!


I asked how they know the "news" happend. He told me they have a police scanner that they listened to. The police scanner scan every kinds of frequency, including of policemen and firefighters' interphone and emergency news. When they hear somewhere happened something, they bring camera and drive there.


I told him what I thought about the difference between Taiwan's newspaper and their newspaper. They encourage students a lot, they must have school news in every issue; we have spaces to let reader contribute their articles, feeling, and opinion. Let reader feel that he/she is not only a reader but also a member of the newspaper. Both newspaper have their own advantages.


Anyway, I like to contribute my article to newspaper in Taiwan, that's why I'm so interested to newspaper. I heard a good news, I may have chance to put some photos and articles in this BLOG on THE VOICE. If it come ture, that will be my first time to publish my article in American newspaper. It must be cool!

↑Greg, Andrew, and me(start from left)

msn的相簿空間已經超載,不得不坎去之前的照片,它們的新家在竹中309 PIXNET相簿的HSY資料夾裡!

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Daniel Radcliffe , Rupert Grint and Emma Watson star in Warner Bros. Pictures&apos; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Today I was so exciting! Becase Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is coming to the screen. I decided to go to movie with friend. Don and his sister are big Harry Potter fans, too. Sure they must watch the movie at first day, and they're good partners to go with.
After school, I stay until 18:00, than took Don's sister's car to Somerset Cinema. All the parking spots were full. I believed all because of Harry Potter attrecation. We bought the 21:20 ticket, than went eating dinner.
At 21:20, theater turn off the light. We watched the preview movie but thought about Harry Potter in our heart. Until the icon "WB"(the movie company that made Harry Potter, Warner Brothers) appeared, every audience screamed and claped hands. No one didn't focus on screen.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is more risky and dangerous. Harry joined the三巫鬥法大賽(The competition against two other wizard) unexpectedly. In the end of this competition, he met the Lord Voldemort who relive and grow his body. It's more magic this time. and add more "Love". It's hard to say, you have to feel by yourself.
P.S. The other thing make me exciting is that The Davinci Code will become a move next May.

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