【PeoPo公民記者 謝承志/編譯】由全球21所研究型大學所組成的「Universitas 21」最新的研究,評選出全球高等教育最佳的48個國家,台灣排名第21,是亞洲區第4(新加坡第11,香港第18,日本第20,韓國第22,中國第39)。
目前分類:新聞舊聞 (43)
- May 15 Tue 2012 16:31
- Apr 23 Mon 2012 19:53
匈牙利的阿帕德小學(Árpád Vezér Általános Iskola)座落於匈牙利第二大首都--黛布勒森(Debrecen),阿帕德的校園離黛布勒森大學只有十分鐘的路程,除了主要科目外,學校也有如大學的選課模式,採訪過程中協助翻譯的英文老師說:「藉由這樣的選課方式才能讓孩子找出自己的興趣,不要將他們綁得緊緊的,讓孩子們學習自己思考,或與家人討論,」這是學校最大的期望!
- Jul 19 Tue 2011 08:27
關愛樂共融 助人最快樂
- Feb 09 Wed 2011 17:29
- Aug 08 Sun 2010 18:22
點雀斑 畫鬍鬚 歡度豐收節
「園遊會遊戲真好玩!」巴西市中心的公立中小學Eleodoro Ebano Pereira總是在學期末舉行,以園遊會的方式,為學期畫下歡樂的句點,校方提供食物販賣與遊樂活動,甚至還會有大型的表演活動;學生則帶著家人一起來歡樂,學習傳統民間舞蹈。
- Mar 04 Thu 2010 13:17
因Google Page Creator停止服務,以下網址異動
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異動至 http://homepage.seed.net.tw/web/jackyhsieh
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異動至 http://homepage8.seed.net.tw/web@1/jackyhsieh/sentence.html
- Feb 24 Wed 2010 00:58
畢冊take a look(正式版)
- Feb 20 Sat 2010 14:00
晨間新聞 製作播報 學童一手包
「各位觀眾早安,歡迎來到鄉村國小新聞…」每天早上八點十五分,位在紐澤西州蒙特利鎮(Montgomery)鄉村國小(Village Elementary School)的小型攝影棚裡,兩位四年級的小朋友為全校師生播報今日新聞。鄉村國小的每一個班級裡都有一台連接有線頻道的電視,正現場轉播鄉村國小新聞;同時當地有線業者並提供地區轉播服務,整個蒙特利鎮居民這時候都可以打開頻道觀賞;不僅如此,在世界的任何一個角落裡,只要可以上網,在鄉村國小的網站上也是LIVE直播。
- Feb 01 Mon 2010 11:25
跟著書本 體驗巧克力的旅行
- Dec 24 Thu 2009 23:00
IC之音 生活系列講座
【I care ,I can ,I change !】生活系列講座
- Nov 05 Thu 2009 12:29
- Jun 03 Wed 2009 03:09
Ladies and Gentlemen.
Jacky is going home this Friday.
Arrive at Taiwan-Taoyuan Airport at 10:25pm this Saturday.
Good Bye USA!!
See you soon in Taiwan!!
- May 23 Sat 2009 15:20
- Mar 10 Tue 2009 13:21
2009/3/10 剪報
![]() Rachel Chen poses for a portrait outside PSU's Whitesitt Hall, where Chen works for the International Student Office. Chen is one of 55 students from her home country of Taiwan. She is studying for her graduate degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and is set to graduate in May. (By Sean Steffen, The Morning Sun) |
【編按】匹茲堡的報社《The Morning Sun》做了一個「A Small World」系列,每周一次連載報導來自各國的PSU國際學生。代表台灣的是兩年前從輔大來PSU當交換生的Rachael,如今她再次回到PSU讀研究所,並在國際中心工作。
SMALL WORLD: State of Uncertainty
Taiwan's Rachel Chen came back to PSU for her graduate degree
By ANDREW NASH The Morning Sun
PITTSBURG —The status of Taiwan is difficult to explain.
In a way, the country is not a country and the nation is not a nation.
In 1949, Chiang Kai-shek and the then-government of China fled communist rule and attempted to claim sovereignty over mainland China.
The communists took control of China proper and claims control over Taiwan. In fact, to this day the communist government considers the Taiwan government illegitimate.
The United States does not have formal diplomatic relations with Taiwan, and officials have stated that the U.S. neither supports Taiwanese independence Taiwan natives like Rachel Chen said that the modern view of Taiwan depends on who you ask.
- Feb 09 Mon 2009 14:55
- Jan 31 Sat 2009 16:46
記者/潘曉凌(實習生 盧麗濤)圖/夏天怡
- Jan 26 Mon 2009 20:20
2009/1/26 剪報
![]() Giant Gift: Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan settle in at their new home at the Taipei Zoo. The giant pandas, a gift to Taiwan from China, have names that combine to spell "reunion." (Pool photo) |
BEIJING — A pair of pandas at the Taipei Zoo go on public display for the first time today to celebrate the Chinese New Year. And they're the cuddliest sign of warmer diplomatic ties between China and Taiwan.
The pandas were a gift from China and have names that combine to spell "reunion." They were a symbolic gesture to Taiwan's president, who was elected last year urging more economic ties while promising not to push independence for the self-ruled island.
Last month, daily direct flights began for the first time from Beijing to Taipei. In November, the rival governments agreed to open shipping and postal routes that had been blocked for six decades.
- Jan 22 Thu 2009 15:48
2009/1/21 剪報
![]() First lady Michelle Obama makes her entrance at the Home States Ball, which honored Hawaii and Illinois, in her Jason Wu gown. (By Jim Young, Reuters) |
【編按】歐巴馬上任,美國各大報都有很「完整」的報導,包含了第一夫人的穿著也列入時尚頭條。這則「台灣新聞」剪報你得點入看詳盡才知曉--第一夫人身著於就職晚宴上的這身白紗洋裝的設計師,可是出生於台灣的新銳設計師Jason Wu!
'A real departure for first ladies'
By Maria Puente and Olivia Barker, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — Michelle Obama, an unprecedented first lady, made some unprecedented choices for her Inauguration Day apparel Tuesday, announcing herself as a self-confident style-setter willing to defy expectations.
She picked unexpected silhouettes, unusual colors and non-celebrity designers Jason Wu and Isabel Toledo.
Unlike most recent first ladies, she didn't release pictures or descriptions of her inaugural clothes in advance, apparently because she didn't make up her mind until the last moment.
By contrast, President Obama's clothes Tuesday provided no surprises: He wore a navy-blue business suit and white shirt with a red tie under a black overcoat with a flag pin. He wore a Hart Schaffner Marx tuxedo to the Inaugural Balls.
But all fashion-conscious eyes were on Michelle Obama. When she appeared at the first ball, around 8:30 p.m. ET, she was wearing a white, one-shoulder chiffon gown with a fitted bodice and covered with fluffy appliqués and beading, set off by sparkly shoulder-sweeping earrings.
"In her elegant gown, (she) sent out a message loud and clear: She is a refreshing dichotomy of change and tradition," said Joe Zee, creative director of Elle magazine.
- Dec 27 Sat 2008 22:39
2008/12/25 剪報
![]() ↑China gave pandas Tuan Tuan (above) and Yuan Yuan to Taiwan as part of what some say is a unification agenda. |
Associated Press
Taipei, Taiwan —- Legislative aides from Taiwan’s pro-independence opposition donned panda suits Wednesday, part of a public relations effort by anti-China lawmakers to paint the mainland’s panda gift as a stalking horse for its pro-unification agenda.
The anti-panda offensive from the Democratic Progressive Party came a day after two pandas —- Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan —- arrived at the Taipei zoo after a three hour-flight from China’s Sichuan province. The pandas will go on display in late January and are expected to be greeted by thousands of enthusiastic spectators.
- Dec 25 Thu 2008 14:05
2008/12/24 剪報
![]() THEN: Tuan Tuan (top) and Yuan Yuan play in the snow at a breeding facility in Ya'an, in southwest China, in 2006. (CHEN XIE / AP / Xinhua) |
Chinese pandas arrive in Taiwan
By Puteri Sabira Associated Press
Landing rivets island as Beijing intensifies its efforts to warm relations and pave the way for eventual reunification with the Communist mainland.
Taipei, Taiwan —- Two Chinese pandas whose combined names mean “reunion” arrived in Taiwan on Tuesday, the latest installment in a Beijing charm offensive aimed at convincing the island’s people to embrace their Communist rival.
A male panda, “Tuan Tuan,” and his female companion, “Yuan Yuan,” set down at the Taipei airport after a three-hour flight from southwestern China, as millions of Taiwanese watched spellbound on local television.
Chinese pandas are usually loaned abroad in pairs, with hopes that they will mate.