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c.jpg 【記者李宜霖台北報導】謝承志目前是中央大學認知與神經科學研究所新生,他是《肯塔基手札》作者。這本書紀錄了2005到2006年他從新竹高中畢業,到美國肯塔基州當一年交換學生的遊學經驗,內容包括生活、文化、上課模式的分享。

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【苗栗縣政府新聞稿】本縣圖書館辦理「99年度創作書坊與作家有約系列研習」活動-「17歲的第一次跨出-我在肯塔基當交換學生」,於 4月17日(星期六)上午邀請本縣學子謝承志,去年獲選出版本縣文學集《肯塔基手札》,目前就讀中原大學資工系四年級的他,要分享2005年到美國肯塔基州當高中交換學生的經驗。謝承志表示,那年他第一次出國,抱著滿滿的好奇「與我年紀相仿的外國年輕人在做什麼?」這是他第一次換個角度看世界,當天他要把他的自我探索與大家分享。

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20100319HCHS (12).JPG 這周五,第一次回母校竹中分享高中交換學年與《肯塔基手札》。


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2009-12-17 (2).JPG 上周四到IC之音「生活I Touch」節目分享《肯塔基手札》。


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本周四(2009/12/17)上午十點,我將到新竹IC之音廣播電台「生活I Touch」節目與大家分享《肯塔基手札》,屆時空中將送出五本《肯塔基手札》(註),錯過之前兩次贈書活動的朋友,千萬別錯過咱們的空中相會,新竹IC之音FM97.5,亦可線上收聽唷!

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CIMG1825.JPG 寫著寫著,從作文簿到校刊,從部落格到報紙......與各位朋友分享,我的第一本書,出版了。


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Chose a wish, find a dream,
pick a wishing star.
Let your hopes and spirit soar
high and free and far.
Believe in the impossible,
than work and try to do.
~For only those who dare to dream,
can make a dream come ture. 
The last two days in America. I started packing baggage. In the same time, I started imaging what will happen in my "new life" in Taiwan. It's just like I imaged what will happened in the U.S. while I was leaving Taiwan last year. It full of wishes. But no matter where am I, or where will I be. I will always dare to dream, always try my best to creat my life. Taiwan, I'm coming!


Countdown with me.......

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由於剩下一週就要離開美國,我們把握時間的共度一些時光,平時對於「地產大亨(monopoly)」紙上遊戲感到冷感的我,也陪Jacob玩了好幾個小時;昨天我們還特別開了好幾英哩的路到McCreary County邊界的告示牌「Welcome to McCreary County」拍照留念,以及參觀一座天然栱型石柱(Natural Arch)。
今天我臨時提議去看電影,這是夢工廠今年的眾星雲集(配音)的動畫片《森林保衛戰(Over the Hedge,台灣2006/7/14上映)》,有布魯斯威利、艾葳兒.......。
這是部既誇張又有趣的歡樂動畫片,裡頭松鼠有句話是個別有用心的雙關,翻成中文就毫無趣味了。松鼠說:"Would you help me to find my nut?"(你可以幫我找尋堅果嗎?)電影的最後一幕是"I found my nut!"(我找到我的堅果了!) 我最初還沒搞等為何電影院裡充滿笑聲,直到接待媽媽解釋"nut"的另解,我才搞動其幽默所在。
另外裡頭浣熊的一句話也充滿諷刺意味:" The world beyond the hedge is the "gateway to the good life" where peculiar creatures called humans live to eat, rather than eat to live."(這道樹叢的另一邊就是「幸福生活的終點站」,在那兒有一種叫作人類的生物生下來就是為了大吃大喝,而不是為了生存下去才要辛苦覓食。)
Movie Poster from http://www.moviegoods.com/

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前幾天,接待家庭帶我到Rock Creek露營,算是離別前最後一回旅遊,安排了四天三夜,營地沒自來水沒電源,很有原始味的露營,感覺別有一番風味!
邦喬飛去年出了一張新專輯《Have A Nice Day》,裡頭有一首歌我實在極度喜愛~Who says you can't go home:
Who says you can't go home
Who says you can't go home
There's only one place they call me one of their own
Just a hometown boy born a rolling stone

Who says you can't go home
Who says you can't go back
I been all around the world and as a matter of fact
There's only one place left I want to go


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◎By Greg Bird

Last week, as most McCreary County students were looking ahead to the last day of school and mapping out their plans for summer vacation, seven students were looking forward to returning home to their families for the first time in 10 months.

Wednesday I had an opportunity to sit down and chat with six of these courageous travelers and learn more about them and their experiences in McCreary County. Ann-Kathrin Bernhauer, Cheng-Chih Hsieh (known as Jacky to everyone), “Anny” Wan Hsuan Lin, Sara Napstjert, Mathias Paumgarten (Matty) and Mina Yokoma all took time out of their day to sit down and talk about how they have changed and what they learned about America from our little slice of the country. (The seventh student, Vera Lichtenhahn, was ill and unable to take part in the interview).

The first question I asked was why they decided to pack their bags and travel halfway around the globe to spend a year of high school in a foreign country.

While getting a better mastery of the English language was high on the list of priorities, there were other, more personal reasons as well.

“I wanted to be an exchange student because I wanted to go abroad and this was a good opportunity to do so. Since Taiwan is a very small island, I wanted to see more things,” said Jacky who hails from Taiwan.

Denmark’s Sara plans to use her experiences to help her in her future career. “I wanted to improve my English because I want to travel in the future with my job. I want to be a construction engineer.”

Austrian Matty learned quickly that this was a life-altering experience. “I signed up for the program because I wanted to improve my English,” he said. “But once you come here you realize it is not the language that matters, you get real growth and maturity. You experience different things. You get out of your normal life and get a chance to see what else you can do.”

For Mina, who wants to go into broadcasting after college in Japan, the trip was all about growth as well. “I wanted to improve my English and wanted to be a stronger person,” she said.

“I wanted to see a different culture and how people live,” said Germany’s Ann.

And McCreary Central’s other Taiwanese student, Anny, was getting a head start on college. “I plan to go to college in America, so this was like basic training for me and it was a great challenge,” she said.

Each of the students admitted they were a little nervous when they first arrived, but every one quickly adapted once they saw how soon they were accepted among their fellow students and made friends.

“When you sit on a plane, you think about what is going to be different and what you are going to be missing,” Matty said. “Then when I came over here, I figured out it is kind of the same thing: you hang out with the same kind of people, you do the same stuff. The setting and the background changes, but my friends are still the same kind of people as over there and I still have the same kind of lifestyle.”

“The first month is weird getting used to the small differences and the food, but apart from that it is kind of the same actually,” he added.

Ann said that the openness of the people she met and the friends she made came as a pleasant surprise, “I think that (my host) family and friends helped a lot here,” she said. “I think that Americans here are so friendly. People are so willing to talk to you even if they don’t know you.”

Anny said after a slow start, she adapted quickly with the help of some patient friends. “I think the beginning was hard because of language problems. But my classmates were very nice, and they helped me a lot.”

All six of the students admitted to being surprised by the cultural differences in America, and the food, but they also found that a lot of the things were the same as they were back home.

“I am from the capital where there is a lot of public transportation,” Sara said. “Here, everybody depends so much on their cars to go somewhere because there is no way you can just start walking. That has been a big change. I had to get used to staying home more and having to be so dependent on figuring out how I am going to get where I want to go and how I am to get home, when I was so used to taking my bicycle.”

“The food is definitely a big difference. I am used to more vegetables, but over here, everything seems to be dipped in grease,” she said.

“Everybody here was friendly and easy to get along with,” said Jacky. “We eat rice everyday, but here the food is different, it was easy to adopt to though.”

Sara didn’t realize that babysitting duties came included with the trip, but she came to love it.

“I am the youngest in my family,” she said. “With my host family, there is a younger sibling. That has been a big change for me. I have had to deal with changing diapers and the yelling and screaming, I haven’t been around younger kids, but I really liked my host brothers and sisters.”

Matty also found American’s dependence on cars as a shock, but welcomed the openness of people.

“Over here, you drive to your grandparents’ house, which is right next door. It takes longer to get in the car and start it than just to walk,” he said.

“In Europe you keep things more to yourself. You just live in your own little world. Over here you can go into a supermarket and people will tell you everything they did yesterday. To me that is interesting. I like to listen to people.”

Ann found that sometimes no matter where you go, people are the same.

“Although there are differences, the basics are still the same,” she said. “You do the same things.

Americans have the same teenage problems that we have in Europe. But I thought prom was awesome, because we don’t have that back home.”

Anny really liked going to school here in McCreary County because she was able to study different subjects.

“I think school here is neat, you can really learn something you want to learn. I think that is good. In Taiwan, you have to learn a lot of things you don’t need,” she said.

“It is different here, but it is fun to meet other people. When you come here, you have a new life and can start all over. You learn new things and you do a lot of stuff you never do at home. I would encourage my friends to be an exchange student.”

The saying goes “all good things must come to an end.” For the exchange students, they are excited about sleeping in their familiar beds again and reconnecting with old friends, but every one of them admitted to leaving a little bit of themselves behind.

“It is hard to say because I like both places,” Jacky said. “I am excited to go home, but I will miss things here. People are so enthusiastic and easy to get along with. If you are used to a busy life, things move so slowly here. If you are only used to one culture or one type of person, you never get to know the outside world. It helps to open your mind and can accept more different things.”

For Sara, she realizes that this past year has left an impression on her that she will never forget. “I think it was easier to leave home because I was thinking ‘I’m going to be back.’ But when I leave here, it’s for good. I’m excited because I am going home and I missed it so much, but I think when I go home, I will start missing what I left behind.”

Mina said her time abroad has helped her to appreciate what she left behind. “I do have my parents back in Japan and all the ordinary stuff, and I never paid attention to it. But I do feel a lot more love for my parents now, and I miss them so much. I am excited to go home. It is a good thing.”

“I really appreciate my host family. It is not easy to put up a stranger in their house for a whole year.”

“It was kind of sad to leave home,” Ann said. “But I really enjoyed being here. I don’t want to leave my host family behind, because I feel really close to them, but I am excited to go home.”

Anny, who plans to attend college in California, will have it easier than her fellow exchange students. “I think maybe saying goodbye is not a bad thing. It will be easy for me to come back,” she said. “My sister is going to get a job in America so it will be easy to visit. I think I will be back next year. It is easier for me to say goodbye. I am looking forward to seeing them again.”

“I had a lot of fun with my host family. We traveled a lot and they took me to a lot of places. I want to thank them for letting me have a really good year.”

Perhaps Matty summed it up the best. “I just left in a‘See you later way.’ It was just for ten months: I thought it would be over so fast,” he said. “When you leave here it is like I may never see you again. That is a weird feeling. I don’t really want to think about it. I really don’t want to go back. I do miss my friends and I want to find out what has gone on. The home thing is like a movie you put on pause. But here is like free TV, you can’t get that back. The whole America thing is over for me; back home it is just waiting for me.”

For all of these young travelers, their future includes college. The experiences they have had over the past ten months will surely help them along the path to success in whatever field they choose.

The students came to McCreary County through an exchange program sponsored by the EF Foundation for Foreign Study. The program matches teenage students in foreign lands with host families all across the country who are willing to take in a complete stranger for a school year.

Eddie Bear and Rebecca Stephens act as International Exchange Coordinators for EF and offer support to the students and host families throughout the year.

While all of the students showed their appreciation for their host families, they saved a final thank you for Eddie and Rebecca.

“Eddie Bear is one of the coolest school counselors I have ever met in my whole life,” Matty said.

“Rebecca has done a lot of stuff. It is hard to keep up with seven teenagers, as well as her own kids,” Sara added. “We really want to thank them for all they have done for us.”

~from McCreary County's newspaper <The Voice>

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我們的畢業旅行地點在俄亥俄州的桑達斯基(Sandusky, Ohio)的Cedar Point Amusement Park,這座遊樂園除了歷史悠久之外,還有一些項目是列名世界前幾名的:例如探索頻道(Discovery Channel)世界十大驚悚樂園第六名(World's Best Thrill Parks),裡頭有座目前世界最大的雲霄飛車,另外還有一座世界屬一屬二大的木製雲霄飛車.........。
大家住進了Cedar Point Amusement Park裡的飯店,聽說若自費一晚要兩百美金左右,裡頭還有高檔的T.G.I. FRIDAY餐廳,如此聽來五星期飯店的地方,不提供早餐,不提供報紙,不提供免費電話(他們連撥免付費電話都收錢),不提供房內咖啡,凡你想得到兩星飯店該有的服務,他們都收錢,簡直「罄竹難書」。
它的地點在一座像極了大海的依利湖(Lake Erie)旁,緯度又比肯德基州向上爬了些,風大,低溫,連站在太陽下我都得穿著外套。
這座木製雲霄飛車的高度與速度都是世界木製雲霄飛車之最(他們的文宣是寫One of the tallest and fastest wooden roller coasters in the world.)我們排了約十五分鐘隊才輪到我們,直到雲霄飛車開始爬坡時,Ashley開始緊張了,不過,不同於先前的兩座雲霄飛車,她開始發汗,眼框也濕潤,笑容也凋謝,不時嘴巴輪流著唸著God與Jacky。

晚上回飯店後,九點多與一群同學到Pizza Hut聚餐,接著大家回到其中一個房間狂歡,播著嘻哈音樂舞動著,很多人打算玩通宵,留下畢業的美好回憶,我很自知自個兒的身體不能那樣操,所以很乖的在午夜時上床。
週二上午十點我們才離開飯店,又是八小時的車程,電影仍一部部播著,其中一部與我年紀一樣大的電影<致命的吸引力(Fatal Attraction)>,有一幕真是刻骨銘心:男主角在雨中想要撐傘,但撐了半天雨傘確死命的閉合著,好不容易把雨傘撐開時,雨傘卻成開花狀;此時一位令男主角出軌的女人撐著傘走過來,指著他雨傘嘲弄的說道"Made in Taiwan?"。我簡直無法相信這部電影在世界各地播放著,嘲弄著台灣產品的品質,我肯定這導演對於台灣有著頗差的印象,不過這是十九年前的電影,現在的台灣產品希望不再讓外國人看笑話了!

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Today is commencement. This is my second time to graduate from high school. But it was a totally different experience.
MCHS 2006 Commencement started at 10:00. But we had to be school at 8:30, since they knew most of students will be late. I was on time, so I walked around and took some pictures. Everyone wore cap and gown, it's the very first time American students all wearing the same like our unifom 
The Commencement started! All seniors walked in to gym with music. It was slowly walking. We were the leading role today. Than I went on stage with madrigal, and sang my last time American National Anthem and Kenucky State Song, "My Old Kentucky Home". The last song was performed by senior madrigals only, we sang for everyone, "Maybe We'll meet again." 
Our song was so touching.
 All the smiles and tears we've shared through the years.
 Forever will be in my heart and mind.
 You believed in me, always there for me.
 Take my hand, stand by me one last time.
 One day my friend, maybe we'll meet again.
After the class president's and some teachers' speech. It's time to get diploma. When I was in HCHS last year, each class had one student to represent us to get diploma. But here, everyone will be called and go on stage to get it.
Our principal tried his best to pronounce my name, Mr. Hsieh, Cheng-chih "Jacky". There was big clapping and screaming voice while everyone was going on stage. Oh...it sounds very good......ha ha......
Some of friends I may never see them again. My Exchange student is almost over, too. There was a song we sang on Senior Breakfast the day before yesterday. It's called "Friend."
 Friends are friends forever if the Lord's the Lord of them,
 And a friend will not say never 'cause the welcome will not end.
 Tho' it's hard to let you go, in the Father's hands we know.
 That a life time's not too long to live as friend.
Thank you all my friends for your helping this year. I'll miss you.

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Today I went to the movie which I wait for a long time, The Da Vinci Code. I went with Justin and Amber, we read the book, so we all were very exciting.
Last night, I was reading newspaper online. There is an interesting news. Thailand and Philippines are Catholic country, so Thailand cut 10 minutes of the film and put a sentence "This is a fiction film" in the end of the movie. And The Da Vinci Code is rated "R"(限制級) in Philippines. It means you can watch this film if you older than 18, so there are still some people complain about this in Philippines.
Although America is a Christian country, but I'm glad they didn't against this movie like Thailand or Philippines. So I went to watch on the coming out day.
We were in a rush. We took 15 mintues to finish our lunch at McDonald's, and drive to the theater as fast as we could. But we missed few mintues movie. The professor Robert London(Tom Hanks) and Sophie Neveu(Audrey Tautou) was in the restroom in Louvre museum when we were finding seats in the theater.
I read the book one year ago, so I don't remember many details. But the film made me recall some parts of the book. It's a great movie, just like the book.
This film is so dark. When we came out the theater, we can barely open our eyes because of the shining sun. We were very satisfied about The Da Vinci Code. But I guess it aggravates many very devout Jesus' follower.

There is an interesting article adopt from Time Magazine May 22, 2006 issue<6 Ways to Break the Da Vinci Code>, by JEREMY CAPLAN:
1.  BAN(禁演) Both cinemas in the Faroe Islands, a Danish territory, are refusing to show the adaptation of Dan Brown's blockbuster novel on grounds of sacrilege. This isn't the first film banned there. Monty Python's Life of Brian was nixed for its naughty nuances.
2.  STARVE(絕食) If their government nixes a ban, a group of Catholics in India may fast--"unto death," said one of its leaders.
3.  SUE(控告) Top Vatican official Francis Cardinal Arinze said the film's insults to the faith may merit legal action to stop its dissemination.
4.  RIDICULE(嘲弄) The Da Vinci Code Response Group says it won't stoop to condemnations or boycotts but calls the film "harmless" and "grotesque."
5.  PREACH(傳教) More than half of U.S. pastors polled by Leadership, a Christian magazine, said they planned sermons, classes or seminars to discuss biblical and theological issues raised by the film.
6.  COUNTERPROGRAM(反制) Along with the usual pre-movie trailers, 250 theaters in Sydney, Australia, will show a brief Anglican Church video challenging the film, part of an effort to get 10% of the city's population to become churchgoers by 2012.
01禁演 對,不准演,就可以控制損害,就可以避免「毒素」四散。
02絕食 這是一種抗爭的姿態。為了一部電影而去絕食抗議,一定是因為你有滿腔怒火,願意為信念獻身,據說印度就有天主教徒揚言如果政府不禁演該片,就要絕食至死。
03控告 這是必要的法律行動,有的罪犯,明明做錯了事,卻死鴨子嘴硬,不肯認錯,一狀告進法庭,尋求司法仲裁和司法救濟,其實是文明人的理性行為。
04嘲弄 有的人一受激,就會暴跳如雷,這種人最容易上當,卻未必能夠解決問題。面對別人的惡意挑釁或污蔑,不要隨之起舞,是很重要的應對之道,揶揄《達文西密碼》,說它不成氣候,影響有限,其實也是一種消毒策略。
05傳教 正面迎戰「邪說」,以傳教、開課、舉辦研討會等訴諸理性的辯論與對話,讓信徒更加定信念,也許還會增加更多信徒呢!
06反制 澳洲人的態度比較有趣,雪黎教會研判當地會有250家戲院映演《達文西密碼》的預告片,於是他們也跟著製作了一部反制短片,駁斥《達》片的論述,讓影迷知所比較,找到生命中的真理。




Movie Picture form MovieGoods&The New York Times!

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今天是基層選舉日,投票項目主要有州參議員(Kentucky State Senator)、警長(Sheriff)、監獄長(Jailer)..........很多我不曾知道竟是由人民選舉出來的公家職位。學校因此停課一天,我的接待家庭並沒有投票的打算,原因是不知該投給誰好,但我好奇美國投票所與台灣有何不同,所以Felicia帶我到離家最近的投票所(但非我們的投票區)。 
我很想拍幾張照,監票人員為此打電話給他們的上級,向他們說明這裡有位外國交換學生想拍他們的投票機,輾轉問了兩位上級之後,得到的答案竟是"Better not."。我搞不懂這是會洩漏國家機密還是威脅到美國政府.......

sincerexie 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • May 15 Mon 2006 10:14
  • Prom

Collecting Motto <7>
●Life is like a box of chocolates. You’ll never know what you’re gonna get.
~Winston Groom, The Author of <Forrest Gump>
~溫斯頓葛魯, 出自<阿甘正傳>

sincerexie 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

My RC(Regional Coordinator), Carolyn, invited me to introduce Taiwan to his son's, Michael's, class. She told me there are 18 boys in his class, it's a writing class, since I have experience about writing articles. I want to make my presentation better, so I made a PowerPoint to introduce Taiwan.
Until this morning, Michael's teacher told Carolyn she changed her mind. I will not speech to the writing class but all students of 6 grade. Wow! Instead of 18 students, there are 100 and more in 6 grade in Meece Middle School. I had some nervous feeling.
I prepared many candies from Taiwan as gifts. My rule is once you ask or answer a question, you can get one candy. Foreign candy is very charming. Every students pay a lot attention on my presentation.
I afraided they may know nothing about Asia (Since I had a classmate point America Map and ask me where is Taiwan.). So, my presentation started from a world map. I asked them point out where is America, Asia and also tell me and point out some countries in Asia. There were over 50 students raising their hand and answering it. It's amazing me! I bet them have a great geography teacher.
After introducing the location of Taiwan, I talked about our school, culture, food, and sports. Every question I asked, almost all students want to answer it. Even someone said the wrong answer, but just for candy, they tried their best.
Some students asked me some interesting question. "Do you have cow in Taiwan?" "What kind of food you eat in school lunch?" "Do you like America?" There is one my favorite, "What's the difference between Chinese and Taiwanese?" My answer is, "We write difference(Traditional/Simplified Chinese) but speak the same(Mandarin)."
After presentation, Carolyn told me, there were 4 exchange students from Norway, German, Denmark, and Japan have talked to them. It makes me envious of them so bad. When I was in middle school, our Geography class only text book and test but nothing else. How lucky they are. They can not only see the map in text book"where's Taiwan", but also a real people from Taiwan to talk to them.

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