Tyler was one of my classmates in English class last semester; this semester he transferred to another school, but we still keep in touch online at MSN messenger. Joey is his best friend; I met him also at English class last semester, although we don't have the same class this semester, we still often see each other at school lunch time.
Few weeks ago (before my computer broke), I met Tyler online at midnight. He told me "Joey is here now!" and also invited me to be there some time. I'm glad his invitation, and after three weeks, I went his house and spent a night.
Tyler's family is hospitality. 2/24 after school, Tyler and his stepfather picked me at school. After we back to his house, Joey came there in few minutes. We went to his room first. His room is in basement. Than he showed me him and his family's photos, and told me his grand mom is Japanese, no wonder I felt he looked like half Japanese when I saw him at the very first time. He has 3 beautiful sisters, 2 of them are older than him, and 1 of them is almost looked like real Japanese.
Before supper, I shared some candy from Taiwan, and showed my school photos. They said my school, Hsinchu High School, is so beautiful. I'm sure it's true. American schools are just like castles, concrete hide all the beautiful nature scenery and air-conditioner instead of fresh air.
Because his sister is like a Japanese friend who I mat at Language and Culture Camp, so I also shared some camp photos. Tyler thought Asian girls are prettier than American. It makes me think of the Chinese old saying "Foreign moon is always looked more like a circle."(「外國的月亮比較圓」,自己翻的,若不正確懇請指正) I have some friends in Taiwan also thought American girls are prettier. We also used MSN messenger to chat with Tyler's girlfriend.
We had a great supper; Tyler's mom cooks really well. She made some rice. It's been a long time (since I went abroad) I didn't eat the rice the same well as his mom's, especially she cooked with pot and stove not electric rice cooker. After a big dinner, we chat together about 2 hours. It was a good chatting. At the same time, Tyler and his older brother played wrestling, I also enjoyed watching.
When we went back Tyler's bedroom, it's almost midnight. We felt a little bit sleepy, but still turned on TV to find a good movie if there is any good one. Suddenly, we saw a channel "NEXT ON: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre(德州電鋸殺人狂)" Than we started watching. Gosh! This is the bloodiest movie I have ever watched. If you want me tell my feeling about this movie, I can only say.........what a bloody hell.
The movie was end at 3:00 in the morning. My eyes had already half closed. I felt asleep less than 5 minutes. When we waked up, it's almost lunch time. Tyler's mom made some biscuits and gravy. I love it. We three played football in the afternoon. American loves football so much. Tyler and Joey throw football straight and far, I can't do as well as them, but I think I learned something.
I left at 3:00 in the afternoon. I had really good time there, and enjoyed getting alone with Tyler and Joey; we may meet together again before I go back Taiwan.