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When the first guy discovered America, he and the native American celebrate their harvest. Than, American start celebration "Thanksgiving".


Thanksgiving in the fourth Thursday every November. My host family has family reunion every Thankgiving and Christmas. Every member of this family will go to one of their house, and have a big dinner. This year is Felicia's tern, so we take place the big dinner in our house.


Our big dinner was on Saturday. (Althought Thanksgiving was on Thursday.) We started preparing at Friday night. Felicia's two sisters came to help with their children. Children play the Play Station 2 all night. We adult(I'm 18!) prepared mashed potato, beans, bread, gravy, dressing, corn, dessert, and the most important meal, turkey. We did that until midnight. It was tired but happy.


Saturday, I woke up until the turkey odor came to my nose. Felicia's sister and mother came, and we did the rest meal, than began eating after praying. We had more than 10 different food. It was great!


But the great thing is not food on holiday, it's family reunion!


Rick asked me "Do you remember what Sylvester Duncan(Anna接待家庭的爺爺,見Going Home...) told you?"


"Yes, tied one on!" I said.


He smiled, but I knew he was sad......



上回的"Newspaper"忘記提到這是份「週報」!美國的許多縣都有自己的報紙,不過大多以週報形式發行,畢竟只報自己縣上的大小事;而日報則是最小以"州"為單位發行(ex:肯德基州),至於紅遍台灣的美國報紙The New York Times,老實說迄今我還沒看到它的真面目,即使在肯德基的大城市,較常看到的是U.S.A. Today。

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In McCreary County, there are 2 newspaper. THE VOICE is close to us, because I can read it once a week in school. Caleb is Jacob's friend, his father, Andrew Powell, is an editor in THE VOICE. So, I got an opportunity to visit the editors' office.


THE VOICE is a local newspaper, so it's not so big as United Daily News(聯合報) in Taiwan, it's only as big as your house. In fact, thanks for the computer technology, a tiny editors' office is enough to make a good newspaper.


There are 8 desks in the office, and every desk has an iMac computer. I had met one of the editors, Greg Bird, he has a feature in the newspaper, and he reports our school news a lot, so he is very famous in MCHS.


Andrew introduce the details about their newspaper for us, and he also show me the latest issue on the computer, let me compare to the real newspaper. It's awesom!


I asked how they know the "news" happend. He told me they have a police scanner that they listened to. The police scanner scan every kinds of frequency, including of policemen and firefighters' interphone and emergency news. When they hear somewhere happened something, they bring camera and drive there.


I told him what I thought about the difference between Taiwan's newspaper and their newspaper. They encourage students a lot, they must have school news in every issue; we have spaces to let reader contribute their articles, feeling, and opinion. Let reader feel that he/she is not only a reader but also a member of the newspaper. Both newspaper have their own advantages.


Anyway, I like to contribute my article to newspaper in Taiwan, that's why I'm so interested to newspaper. I heard a good news, I may have chance to put some photos and articles in this BLOG on THE VOICE. If it come ture, that will be my first time to publish my article in American newspaper. It must be cool!

↑Greg, Andrew, and me(start from left)

msn的相簿空間已經超載,不得不坎去之前的照片,它們的新家在竹中309 PIXNET相簿的HSY資料夾裡!

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Daniel Radcliffe , Rupert Grint and Emma Watson star in Warner Bros. Pictures' Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Today I was so exciting! Becase Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is coming to the screen. I decided to go to movie with friend. Don and his sister are big Harry Potter fans, too. Sure they must watch the movie at first day, and they're good partners to go with.
After school, I stay until 18:00, than took Don's sister's car to Somerset Cinema. All the parking spots were full. I believed all because of Harry Potter attrecation. We bought the 21:20 ticket, than went eating dinner.
At 21:20, theater turn off the light. We watched the preview movie but thought about Harry Potter in our heart. Until the icon "WB"(the movie company that made Harry Potter, Warner Brothers) appeared, every audience screamed and claped hands. No one didn't focus on screen.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is more risky and dangerous. Harry joined the三巫鬥法大賽(The competition against two other wizard) unexpectedly. In the end of this competition, he met the Lord Voldemort who relive and grow his body. It's more magic this time. and add more "Love". It's hard to say, you have to feel by yourself.
P.S. The other thing make me exciting is that The Davinci Code will become a move next May.

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星期五(11/11)是Veteran's Day,放假一天,一連三天假期,Felicia, Jacob, Jessica,和我四人一同旅遊度假去,而Jess則跟朋友去打獵!我們將近中午才出發,目的地是Pigeon Forge,也就是Smoky Mountain的所在地,除了把上回還來不及欣賞到的一切在這回補上,但主要是為了週六要前往DollyWood!DollyWood是主題樂園,主題是啥?是Dolly!Dolly是歌手,出過N張唱片,我較有印象的一首是"I will always love you"。


週五下午我們先逛了Flea Market,印象中的跳蚤市場該是在二手貨裡尋寶,可是這裡卻像是世貿展場,各商家擺攤銷售,價格大多不低於市價,所以我只抱著開眼界的心情逛街;場外的攤子有著雷同我們夜市裡能見到的一律十元店,一籃籃商品通通一元(USD)起,盜版商品層出不窮,但日常生活用品就不講究這麼多了;我們一連逛了四家,四家都是Chinese老闆,這種情況我總愛秀幾句中文給其他人開開眼界,不過也難怪盜版商品層出不窮了!


晚上Felicia說要帶我們看黑熊,卻把車停在一家Gift Shop前,我已為她打消念頭了,沒想到黑熊就在店裡!商店底有個入口,「五隻黑熊,觀賞:大人$2,小孩$1」,走進之後,有個15坪大的透天鐵籠,五隻黑熊隔著兩道鐵杆,無精打采的觀賞著人類拿著照相機閃光燈閃個不停,笑容早已擠不出來,只是一心想著曾經在大自然裡繽紛的生活,何只15坪天地呀?


晚上七點多,驅車駛進沿路的旅館,幾乎都掛上了"NO VACANCY",總算最後找到了一家Family Inn,為明天DollyWood養飽體力囉!


週六上午,我們八點多就離開旅館,前行DollyWood,九點多抵達,早起鳥兒有著相當不錯的停車位,入口還不太擁擠,入園拍照留念後,便開始使用遊樂設施,遊樂設施並無特別,大自然美景才是這裡的最大特色,老舊古物在園內也有不少,車牌、冰淇淋機、車子.....,最棒的是這裡有一台蒸氣火車Dolly Express,而且可以搭乘繞園15分鐘,我們搭乘下午五點十五分班次,十一月的太陽比較早下班,寒風陣陣,車長帶領著大家向其他遊園者祝賀Marry Chirstmas,列車撥著聖誕節音樂,Winter Holidays的腳步近了,園內滿是聖誕燈飾,在夜裡看來格外的有氣氛,隨著列車移動欣賞,好不享受!


我們玩到晚上七點才離開,其中不少時間花在排隊上,就連出口也大排長龍,工作人員連緊急逃生出口都開了才舒緩些。原本預計今天要回家,卻因嚴重塞車而放棄,駛入另一個景點--Gatlinburg,今晚"NO VACANCY"的情況比較不嚴重,因為週日上午許多人要上教堂,週六晚上找旅館自然比較容易些;找到旅館後,我們開車入市區吃晚餐,但塞了一半小時的車回到原點,找不著停車位,所以回旅館叫pizza,等了四十分鐘,pizza才送到,飽餐後我們累得倒頭就睡,今晚的旅館比昨日樸素簡單,但因疲倦卻更感到舒適,Good night!


週日睡到自然醒,早午餐合併吃,回到昨晚那塞一個半小時車的市區路上,駛入停車塔停車,逛街!這裡最多的店面是Gift Shop,美國人頗喜歡小飾品妝點家裡,而這類東西一概Made In China 或 Taiwan,所以就算再可愛對我都毫無吸引力,因為這些東西台灣都買得到,這裡加稅加運費加海關,我只用心用眼睛用嘴巴嚐鮮就心滿意足;街上商家裝置藝術爭鮮爭艷,眼睛實在來不及休息,而金氏世界紀錄博物館在這裡也有一分館,可惜我無緣參觀;街景艷麗襯底的是Smoiky Mountain,人為與自然的對話,嘈雜與寧靜的對比,和諧與不和諧的在我眼前不斷發生著......


回家的路上,我們經過一家不知賣什麼的店面,外頭放著眼熟的橘色轎車--General Lee;美國很ㄏㄤ的一部電視劇Duke of Hazzard,這部電視劇大概三十年前拍攝的,幾個月前也才剛翻成電影上映,而這台轎車正是劇中的General Lee,而這家店的所有人就是劇中的主角,我們毫不猶豫的下車拍照。回車上後,我們直奔家中,三天的行程充實又有趣,但也相當疲憊,今天我可得早早上床睡覺,Tomorrow is a new begining!


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學校每九週會寄發一次成績單到家裡,讓父母了解孩子學習的狀況,同時對學生而言也有著極大意義,因為如果成績四科全A(90分以上),將有一次與校長吃大餐的機會,地點次次不同,總之在自助式餐廳(All-you-can-eat buffet)享用午餐!
我榮幸也是其中的一員,而今天上午11:00,校車載滿了四科全A的學生們,駛了一小時抵達Somerest的King Buffet餐廳,更令我興奮的是,它是Chinese Restaurant!
坐定位後,大伙兒紛紛步向Buffet桌享用。Chinese Restaurant顧名思義該是Chnese Food,但為迎合美式口味,炸食很多,Pizza也在其中;餐廳提供叉子湯匙等美式習慣餐具外,也提供筷子選用,身旁的同學嘗試著使用筷子,有人很快上手,但惹笑話的也大有人在;"How to say Thank you in Chinese?"同學試著學我發音,跟服務員說"Hsieh-hsieh",她們微笑道不客氣,其中一位服務員和我聊了一會兒,同學好奇的眼神令我真有滿足感。

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Everybody always be crazy on Fridays. Because weekend is coming!
I borrow <Harry Potter III>(哈利波特:阿茲卡班的逃犯) DVD from friend. Don , although I had watched that before, but <Harry Potter IV>(哈利波特:火盃的考驗) is coming next Friday, so I wanna review it again. Jacob and I watched Harry Potter on Friday night. He isn't a Harry Potter fan, so he didn't so enjoy movie as me. After movie, I went online the internet and used messenger that I didn't use for a long time. I met a lot of friends, we chat all night (they were in the afternoon) until I felt sleepy. I was exciting to talk with old friends.
Saturday, I woke up at noon. And a friend called me and invited me to his home. So we 2 exchange students, Matty and me, went to Devin's home and enjoed movie: <American Pie>(美國派) and <We Were Soldiers>(勇士們). <We Were Soldiers>is a war movie, <American Pie> is funny and talking about sex movie. We 3 big boys all laughed very loud, Devin's 12-year-old brother also joined the movie, but I thought the detils about sex is too early to let him know. (Believe it or not, lots of classmates only 16-year-old here, they told me they are already not virgins.)
I back home at about 8:00 p.m., I also borrow 3 movies DVD from Devin, <Finding Nemo>(海底總動員), <Catch Me If You Can>(神鬼交鋒), and <Big Fish>(大智若魚). <Finding Nemo> and <Catch Me If You Can> are good movies, so I wanna review even I had watched that before. <Big Fish> is a special movie, it talk about a man who love to talk story of his life. But his son thought that is a tale, so left him alone. His mom tried to let them get close, and he tried to understand his dad's feeling and the truth of the story......
I watched the rest 3 movies on Sunday. So all my weekend was full of movies. Some are funny, some are touching. Movies just like our life's minimize, that can make me full of imgination. That's why I love movies.

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Trick or treat? 不給糖就惡作劇!萬聖節受小孩喜愛的原因,不外乎是可以挨家挨戶的拿糖果,化妝成自己喜愛的卡通人物;我這個年紀還可以trick or treat嗎?我忍不住在學校就先打探一下,究竟同學們怎麼過Halloween的,我得到的答案有要帶弟妹去trick or treat,不然就是晚上還要打工,不過,我管不著他們的答案了,晚上六點,以樸素裝扮與打扮成不知何許人的Jacob和他已結婚有兩個小孩的堂姐一家人trick or treat!
我們在親戚家展開第一站,他們端了一盤糖果各抓一把放入我們的南瓜提袋中;緊接著便在他們附近的人家繼續trick or treat,有幾戶人家看到我這大孩子都以為是來陪小孩,不過我仍拿到了許多糖果。商家們仍營業中,不過都在門口派店員拿糖果分送小孩。
我們走過了一家中國餐廳,老闆對我疑惑的問"Are you Chinese?"
"Ya, I'm from Taiwan!"
突然一陣中文交談,心裡頗溫馨的,一旁的Jacob就像那時看成龍的Rush Hour,突然成龍用中文與外交官對談片段的那個表情,之後他好奇問我們的對談內容,我裝神秘的告訴他,這是秘密!
今年Halloween限定晚上6:00~8:00,因為是星期一,School Day;我們花了兩小時,各拿了滿滿一袋糖果,滿心歡喜的回家!

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  • Oct 30 Sun 2005 11:30
  • snow?!

"Look! It's s now!"今天早上九點多,Jacob指著窗外對著剛睡醒的我說,我仔細瞧了一會兒,揉了揉眼睛,我想我大概還在睡夢中眼睛白花花的,所以就對他說"You cheat me!"也沒多在說什麼,趕緊盥洗後,準備一天的行程。







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Have you ever seen a fashion show? It introduced new cloths, or designer's new works. I never seen a fashion show before, and our school take place fashion show every year, so I would like to know what's that looked like.
The tickets were sold by 2 dollers per each. When I want to buy that, one of the model told me he cannot be here on Friday, and asked me to instead of him. I was exciting, so I agreed without thinking. Suddenly, I become protagonist from audience.
The show on the fourth period on Friday. But I'm one of model, so I left class on third period. We started to practice walking on the stage with good posture. I saw the empty seats and thought what post should I do. I have 6 different cloths, every cloth are expensive and famous brand. Between 2 cloths, I didn't have much time to change, so I tried as fast as I can.
The show started on time. My first cloth was number 6. When I went on stage, the audience screamed and yelled "Jacky! Jacky!", I just like a super star enjoyed they exciting to see me, than I didn't feel nervous anymore. It was very fun, and I relly enjoyed the "super star" feeling.

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在幾週的練習後,老師從合唱團中精選十人參加每年舉辦的"All-state Choral Adjudication",這是個合唱團的一個評判,全州各校合唱團都會派人參加,雖然我還沒全然弄清楚這評判結果的真正用意,但聽說是個頗重要的合唱團評判。
自詡歌聲本來就不錯,也就成為參與的十人一,成員中有Soprano, Alto, and Bass各三人Tenor一人,而我就是那個唯一。
今天早上,我們十人坐上校車,前往London, KY的檢定場地。兩小時的車程,我們練習了幾回,(也因為"我就是那個唯一Tenor",而我們有三組四部合唱,所以我練習了幾回*3)為避免喉嚨沙啞,我吃了一堆喉糖,吃到呼出的空氣都散發薄荷香。
「這還可以吃嗎?」最初到接待家庭時,我看到他們家的一些食品過期了,忍不住疑問;他們的回應令我吃驚:「大部分時候那些食物都還可以吃」,起初我不可思議,後來Felicia帶我到"Junk Food Store",這家店以低價銷售食品,但大部分都已過期,"吃了只要沒異味就是可以吃"我已試著接受概念。我想大概是因為他們氣候乾燥,食物不易壞吧!

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I have 4 classes a day, and the schedule is the same everyday. Art class is one of my favorite one. American art class is different from ours, if you want to do good, sometimes copying is easiest choice. They're not required student must be creative, but I like creative stuff, so I prefer do something interesting.
I had made some picture, some of them I copied from other picture, some of them created by myself. I put my picture in the new list(清單),"ART線上藝廊". Share with you!

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Today should be a beautiful Saturday, I may wake up at 10:00, and do nothing but enjoy weekend. But I woke up at 6:30, as early as school day, because I had an ACTtest that just like College Extrence Examnation in Taiwan.
The test have four subjects, English, Math, Reading, and Science. I brought my test ticket and followed the rule "I.D. REQUIRED", so I brought my only I.D.-Passport, but test center is our school, if any teacher know you, you shouldn't need I.D.
The test system is really different from Taiwan. Every year, they have 6 test times. And if you're junior(=2 grade in Taiwan high shool), and you want to have ACTtest, you may have more opportunities. So, some of students already had applied college when they were just a junior.
In my opinion, the easiest subject of these four is Math. Their Math question level almost equal our Basic Competence Test(國中基本學歷測驗). For example," If 7+3x=22, than 2x=? ".
The most difficult one is Reading. This test was killng me. In only 35 minutes, I have 4 long articles and 40 questions. I tried to concentrate on every words and questions, but vocabularies didn't know me, I didn't know them, either. Oh, gosh!
"I bet you must be the highest grade in this school." A friend talked to me before test.
I replied, "I hope so." How's my grade, only god knows.
"Check this out!"這是我每天必定聽到n次以上的話,這裡的小孩可不謙虛,做什麼小事大事都要你注意他,"Check this out!"就是要你"注意!"

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10/1/05的網誌,與大家分享了McCreary Festival Parade,幾天後,鎮上的週報發刊,介紹這遊行的新聞當然少不了,細看了一下照片,竟然發現我出現在頭版照片中!有趣的是,報社為了要讓照片幅度夠寬,一共合成了3張照片,我就在同張照片中出現兩回耶!嘿!來找找吧!我在那兒呀?
新文章分享 小水珠的使命(原命題/暫定)

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  • Oct 17 Mon 2005 08:26
  • Church

Almost every American are Christian, they go to church every Sunday. I have no choice but to obey, I go to church, too. Most of Christian are friendly, they're nice to me, even I like to ask some question about their god from The Da Vinci Code (達文西密碼).
In my opinion, I think church is not interesting. Most of time, we listen to preacher preaching. They have Sunday School, it classified students (based on age) to different group. When the first day I arrived KY, the church I went has young group for Sunday School. We had some activities(of course, talk about Jesus and HOLY BIBLE), it was not boring. But now the church I go has only children group, so youngs will sit with adult and listen to preach.
Last time, the preacher in my church gave me a HOLY BIBLE, and there's my name printed on the book. He hopes I can read it some time. "Do in Rome as Romans do."(入境隨俗) I'll try to read and know their god.
This Sunday, our church has second time big dinner.(We ate the meal at about 12:00. Felicia told me, if the meal before 12:00, we called that lunch; after 12:00, we called that dinner. The meal at about 17:00, we called that supper.) Every family cooked one meal to share. I prepared stir-rice(炒飯) this time. I thought they like it, because when we finished the big dinner, the rest of rice are not much.
新文章分享 月光

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美國的學生假放的可真不少!我現正在享受著10天的「秋假」,接待家庭也早就計畫著CAMPER CAPING。第一次在Big South Fork National Park,第二次因Boy Scout在somerest(縣名),這兩個地方都在肯德基州境內,這次我們到了Tennessee州的Pigeon Forge(縣名),感覺上跨了一個州,但其實我們住的地方就在肯德基與田納西州的邊境(車程大約小於半小時),不過我們仍開2小時的車才抵達鄰近Somkies Mountain National Park的營地。




哈!我得解開牛仔褲的釦子,否則扣不起來啦!接下來,我們一連逛了好幾家店,有一家電視購物兼廉價商品銷售店面最令我印象深刻,Made In China & Made In Taiwan是當中的大盤商,我不知道看了是否該感到高興,也許台灣製的棉花棒用來更有家的感覺吧......


第二天我起了個大早(8:00,大早?上次一位同學這麼跟我定義"8 O'clock? That's pretty early!"),不過近十點才離開營地,先到了一個小型遊樂園開賽車,一直玩到中午時分,不過今天太陽不太露臉,中午該有的熾熱完全感受不到,秋天果然降臨了!我們到一家PIZZA BUFFET餐廳,數種PIZZA口味供選擇,想當然爾的,又是吃的飽漲!我們翻閱著商家提供的coupon,計畫下一站到那兒?結果出爐:ZOO!




收音機播送著鄉村音樂(country music),古典吉他與清脆的歌聲環繞著我們的小貨車;應我要求,在我們回到市區後光臨了書店!我的接待家庭並不愛閱讀,在我們待在書店兩小時間,我完整的把書店走過一遍,他們就在禮品區選購了兩小時的禮物,我秀給接待媽媽看了之前我提問關於基督教疑惑的原由──《達文西密碼》與前些日子剛讀畢的《恐懼之邦》,原文版比我之前讀的中文版還厚,價錢更是讓人覺得該多利用圖書館。這家書店主要把書分成以下幾類:小說、歷史、Civil War、傳記、兒童、青少年、食譜、DIY、聖經、禮物書、nonfiction﹔以前在金石堂或誠品已經感到自己的渺小,現在在這裡更覺自己已淹沒在書海裡頭,讀過的書屈指可數邈邈無幾(哈!還好《哈利波特》現在已出了六集,《波特萊爾的冒險》現在出了十二集)美國幾乎可以說是基督教國家,我說在台灣有好幾位不同的GOD,他們聽了可都瞠目結舌,書店裡關於基督教的書籍佔了不少,光是聖經各式各樣版本就有三櫃以上!




我說:「我們的marshmallow叫做cotton candy。」Felicia告訴我他們稱另外一種棉花糖(糖粉吹成白雲形狀的那種棉花糖)cotton candy!總而言之,下回烤肉時別忘了把棉花糖列入你的清單裡頭,是很不錯的甜點選擇!


第三天,我們開車駛入Smokeies Mountain National Park。看著車上的方位標示,規律的"N, NW, W, SW,...(北,西北,西,西南...)",繞著Smokeies Mountain外環爬升,氣溫從山下的華氏67度直到山上的58度,窗景也從綠色樹林轉而變成針闊葉混合林(6,643feet=2,025m,針闊葉混合林約分布於海拔1,800-2,500公尺左右的山區),不過現在是一片枯木,除了因為秋天葉子掉光之外,有一部分的數木早已被昆蟲啄食而死亡。車子停定點後,接著剩下0.5mile(=0.8km)的上坡就抵達Smokies Mountain最高峰──6,643feet的Clingmans Dome。這段路途並不算遠,但全程上坡加上今天沒太陽使得霧氣瀰漫寒氣逼人,所有旅客幾乎都走走停停,沿路的坐椅從無虛席,這時發現自己的體能還不賴嘛!一路到底呼吸順暢,我想這是竹中三年越野賽跑鍛鍊的吧!


登上高峰後,我們朝另一個方向下山,窗景逐漸回復到綠色樹林,溫度也回升了五度以上,我們抵達了Cherokee,Oconaluftee Indian Village。這是一個印地安部落,但早已商業化徹底,唯一原始的一小戳保留原始的地方是在一家印地安手工藝品店前方有一個印地安帳棚,和一位著原始服裝的印地安老人,前方掛著一片大大的牌子寫著「拍照:用我的相機~5元/用你的相機~小費」我和他握手拍照,掏出了一元交給他,這才想起之前在西雅圖聽街頭藝人表演,我拍了他好幾張照卻沒給半毛錢是多失禮的事了!也因為印地安文化特色只被保留在手工藝品店,我們便一家一家的逛,商品大概八九不離十,最具特色的是皮製品和補夢網。


「A very well known Native American tradition, is he presence of the "Dream Catcher" in their homes. Dreams flow in succession in the night. These dreams, through good or bad, succumb to the magic of the Dream Catcher. Good dreams know their way thru the Dream Catcher never awakening the dreamer. Unpleasant dreames, however, become entangled in the weaving perishing in the first sign of a new morning.」這是印地安人為補夢網下的定義,好夢可以穿越,但惡夢會卡在網上不再打擾你!


等到我們欣賞玩各式印地安手工藝品後,起程回營地的時間已是下午六點,山路的曲折靠著地圖尋找方向,我們規劃循著另一條道路回營地,不料竟在半途發現"road closed",使得我們浪費好一段時間折返換路走,原預計一小時多的車程竟延長成三小時,我們在路上簡單吃些巧克力充飢,待回到營地後大家都累了,只簡單的解決晚餐後休息。睡覺前,我們不忘掛起補夢網,盼今晚大家都好夢入眠。

第四天早上,我們收拾環境後便離開營地,停留在第一天抵達時的BUFFET餐廳享用早午餐後,背著Smokeies Mountain駛向肯德基州,三小時的車程回到久違的家,Jacob一句"Home, sweet home.",大家聽了都微笑的點點頭......

電視購物在這裡也流行,他們稱電視購物"As seen on TV store"

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“Why we celebrate Halloween?” I saw every supermarket or shopping mall started sale Halloween stuffs in September end, so I asked this question.

My host mother said that long time ago, everybody will provide food to poor and beggar on Halloween. But poor and beggar become naughty, they make up like ghost to scare people and ask more food. So, that’s why children”trick or treat?” now.

I asked the same question to my classmates, most of them said” We just celebrate and have fun. I don’t now” Than, I asked English teacher, he said Halloween is All Saints Day‘s eve (Nov. 1 is All Saints Day). I got 2 different answers, so I decided to check on internet.

A lot of different opinions about Halloween hereinafter are some of them. Which one is truth? It’s up to you!

◣Chinese version◥

傳說中最早的萬聖節,可就帶點陰森森的氣氛哦!十一月一日是所謂的『萬聖節』 (All Saints Day)。西元前五世紀愛爾蘭的凱爾特人,他們 的新年是在每年夏季結束的時候,就是十月三十一日那天。凱爾特人認為在新舊年交接時刻的夜晚,也就是十月三十一日的夜晚,看不見的靈 魂會在陽世中穿梭,找到替身後得以重生;因此活著的人為了躲避靈魂的搜索,就在這天晚上把家裡的爐火滅了,營造出一個寒冷陰森的環境 ,並且打扮成鬼怪的模樣,口中發出可怕的聲音,企圖嚇走靈魂也讓靈魂分不清誰是活人,因而不能夠找到替身;只要過了這個晚上,第二天 就是萬聖節,一切也就回復平靜了。

萬聖節的裝飾多以橘色和黑色為主,這兩個顏色也是傳統的萬聖節裝飾代表顏色。黑色的代表像是黑貓、蜘蛛和巫婆,和橘色的代表南瓜燈 (Jack-O’-Lantern) ,都是常見的萬聖節象徵,除此之外還有各式面目猙獰的鬼怪和骷髏等等。

--Adopt from 新竹關東國小(http://www.ktps.hc.edu.tw/ghost/index.html)

萬聖節早期象徵一年的結束與新年的開始,歐洲人除了舉辦儀式感謝太陽神讓穀物豐收,並深信醜陋面具可嚇走惡靈,這種觀念後來演變成為 小孩變裝,按鄰居門鈴嚇人、要糖果吃的習俗。

根據業者資料指出,基督紀元以前,每年10月31日對塞爾特族人(現在的蘇格蘭、愛爾蘭人)而言,象徵著一年的結束及新年的開始。這一天塞 爾特族人舉行儀式,感謝太陽神讓穀物豐收,但這一夜是惡靈力量最強大的一天,因此牧師和祭司主持祭典,以安撫掌管死亡的神。


到了第四世紀,因為基督教興盛,這一天改為上帝死亡日,相信上帝會趕走惡靈。後來,演變成小孩穿上鬼和精靈的衣服,按鄰居家的門鈴, 依傳統發出「Trick or Treat」的威脅,鄰居們不管是否被嚇著,總是會為孩子準備糖果、餅乾、焦糖蘋果等點心,讓孩子滿足的將戰利品收 入袋內離去。

--Adopt from大紀元10月26日報導(中央社記者楊淑閔台北26日電)

◣English version◥

It all began in what is now France and the British Isles. It was started by the Celtic people long ago....

The Celtic people feared the night of October 31. It was the night of their festival of Samhain, Lord of the Dead. The Celtics feared Samhain and in order to please him, the Druids (Celtic priests) held cruel fire rites in his honor. They made huge bonfires every year at this time. The bonfires were usually made of oak and considered sacred.

At this festival, the Druids made sacrifices to the gods. They burned criminals, prisoners, and animals alive. By observing the victims die, the Druids saw omens of the future, both good and bad. The powers to make predictions of the future were thought to be strongest on this night. Why? It was because the Druids believed that the spirits were allowed to roam free on this night of the year. The Druids believed the spirits were powerful and wild on this night, and if they were treated right, they would help with predictions of the future. However, if the spirits were ignored, they would punish the Celtic community.

The Druids believed that, above powerful and wild, some spirits were evil. This is why the Celtic people wore costumes during the Samhain festival. The purpose of the costumes was to frighten the spirits. Plus, this way, the spirits wouldn't be able to recognize them.

(This is the origin of costumes.)

To please the spirits, the Celtic people left food outside their houses on Halloween. If any hungry spirits came by, they could take the food and leave the Celtics in peace.

(This is the origin of 'trick or treat'ing.)

--Adopt from http://www-atdp.berkeley.edu/2030/tgonzalez/halloween.html

This web site have a lot detils about Halloween. I think it's worth to visit! It's History Channel! http://www.historychannel.com/exhibits/halloween/


 "Lady first!"「女士優先」。

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Every year, the first Saturday on Oct. is McCreary Festival Parade. Everyone can join the parade. You can walk, ride motorcycle or horse, or drive vehicle. My host brother, Jacob, his school join the parade, but I didn't. So I were an audience. On the main street in McCreary County, there were full of people. I guess all the residents join the parade. When I were concentrate on making photos, something hit me. Oh! It's candy! Everyone in the parade line prepared many candies to share with audiences. Children saw candies, nobody didn't ignore candies, I don't eat candy much, but I still picked up some.

The parade only one hour, we backed home to eat lunch. Than host parent found a good deal--there's a store in Whitley City now on closing sale. So, we visited the store, 20% off to 75% off, I got some good and cheap stuffs. Than I saw a familiar looking slippers, even they're the same as the slippers on my feet. I saw the price, it's amazing me. After the slippers 50%off, the price is the same as my original price. Because of cheap, I bought a lot of cards, they may be enough used for this year!

p.s.我把時區調整囉!此篇之前都是台灣時間! (I change the time zone! Before this article, the time is Taiwan time!)

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接待家庭裡的頑皮小弟也是小童軍,今天(9/24)有一場童軍的大露營。不一樣的是我們用camper取代帳棚;他們射箭玩BB槍而不滾鐵圈打陀螺;「中國童子軍歌」變成"I pledge allegience, to the flag of the United Stateds Of America......";我們用三指敬禮他們只用兩指.....


在上回camper camping一週之後,接待家庭的爸爸(Jess)也為家中「添購」一台camper,這次露營首次啟用了我們的新camper,讓夜宿更有家的感覺,不過卻少了帳棚的野味。Jacob的cousin(Ashley)也加入了這次露營,我們兩個高中大孩子可沒有像小童軍們能闖關遊戲,只得繞著營地兜圈子走動,稍嫌無聊些,不過卻讓我想起上回camping時,Felicia的姊姊說:露營的目的就全身放鬆,不想任何雜事,坐著發呆也好,親近大自然也好,反正忘掉一切瑣事就對了!




露營時,竟然碰到我第一天抵達Kentucky的arrived family,也是現在的RC(區域接待員),我為第一天忙碌行程而忽略的照相紀念在今天補上一張。

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Man! I Feel Like A Woman!
Today(9/23) there's a special pageant in my school. Many boys made up like girls, and imitate girls' action, than start a beauty contest. Every "lady" walk on stage and the host introduce the "lady's" hobbies, dreams, and favorite TV show. I think their movement and behavior are weird for really lady, because they touch their fake bust and bottom. It seems to let himself(herself?) become sexy?
Some friends asked me to join the pageant, but I can't imagine what I'll be, so I give up. But I enjoyed being an audience, and makeing some photos with my "lady" friends.
 「三民主義,吾黨所宗,以建民國,以進大同。咨爾多士,為民前鋒; 夙夜匪懈,主義是從。矢勤矢勇,必信必忠;一心一德,貫徹始終。」我們的學生每天唱國歌,美國的學生每天要宣示
I pledge allegience, to the flag of the United Stateds Of America, and to the Republic for which it stands. One nation, under god, indivisible, with liberity, and justice for all.

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