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"Hello! Jacky! What's up?" At school hallway, friends and I alsways siad hello to each other like that. But today(1/23) is totally different.
"Hello! Jacky! Nice haircut." Some of them even said "I like your new hair style." It is so sweet. Because at first, I still can't use to my new hair style. (In fact, I think it's a little bit weird.) But I almost change my feeling today. Their commendation let me have self-confident of my new hair style.
Wow! You see! This is the power of commendation! But anyway, I always need at least one day to adapt my new hair style.

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記得三個月前,Felicia問過我幾回"Do you want to cut your hair?"我總是毅然決然的回答"No way!"更花時間解釋台灣的髮禁制度,還把女生髮型的"watermelon"頭介紹一番,於是我說:除非我看起來像女生,否則,不剪頭髮!
接待家庭的外公是理髮師,剪髮免費算賺到,但其實心裡不這麼想,大概有股「年輕人就該給年輕人剪出年輕髮型嘛!」,所以心裡有個疙瘩晃來晃去!這個外公很有趣,他是第一個在我說完Taiwan接的句子不僅有China還有Sun Yet-san(孫中山)的人,我便說他肯定讀了很多書,結果這句話便成他在Felicia面前最愛加入的口頭禪:"He said I read a lot...."他更是喋喋不休,記得有一回他跟我聊天從「刺青」講到「邪惡」串到「耶穌」連到「宗教」接到「亞洲」進到「印度」飛到「台灣」追到「大陸」朔到「歷史」......我詞窮了....可是還沒完......

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We enjoyed the snow yesterday very much, Jacob and I both made wishes, we hoped it will continue snow today. But, it quit.
We waked up at 9:00, and walked around the house, the snow was still there, but the sun was coming out, too. We used the snow on the floor to fight, even got some and tasted it. The taste of snow wasn't good, although we added some cholcate and sugar. After eating, Felicia told me, the first snow of the year is not clean. It includes a lot of dirt. After the first snow, if it snow some other day, we will make snow ice cream. It's aweful good!
Oh.....I just ate some dirty snow.....
At noon, the snow on the grass was almost melted, only some of that under the shadow wasn't melted. Our snowman, JC(Jacob said our name both have "JC" inside, so the name of snowman we built is JC), it became thiner and thiner. And one of our cat pee on that, it looks poor.
Anyway, Bye! Snow! I hope I will see you again.
 Yahoo! 奇摩即將停止網頁服務,所以之前的舊網誌搬家至以下網址,歡迎參觀!

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期待已久,終於下雪了,雪花紛飛,雖然小的看不清楚,同學說雪顆粒還有更大的可能,但我仍是興奮的相機快門按不停。今天早上到了Baptist Church, London, KY,參加All-state Chior的首次練習,唱歌當下與唱後的心情都很喜悅;與其這麼說喜悅,倒不如說這生平的第一場雪,像糖粉般由天上降落,灑在我眼前,灑上我心頭,喜滋滋的甜味真讓人享受!

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上學期的一堂物理課,我們做了一個實驗,主要是觀察地心引力與加速度對重量的改變:在電梯裡放一個磅秤,站上測量體重後紀錄;啟動電梯下降兩層,觀察體重之變化並紀錄;接著啟動電梯上升兩層,觀察體重之變化並紀錄。這題目早已在台灣的物理課本上過,但實驗倒從沒做過。但這不是我上完物理實驗的最大發現,而是體重計上的數字把我下了一大跳!我竟然體重增加了30磅(約8公斤)!哇塞!Super Size Me,竟真實的發生在我身上!
上周,Felicia收到一個包裹,裡頭是她上個月電視購物的一捲DVD,我僅看到封面就笑的停不下來--健美先生。因Jess曾把他的新年月曆,sexy women秀給我看,我便開玩笑的問Felicia,你也需要些sexy men的圖片呀?大家都大笑之後,才了解那片DVD的用途:健身DVD!Felicia為了止住笑聲,還玩笑的推說DVD是為我買的!
畫面視窗右下角有倒數時間,半小時,並不太長。想剛到這裡與他們分享我的學校時,總驕傲的說出「竹中的十八尖山越野賽跑」,半小時,那有什麼問題?Let's go!
等到五分鐘過去,我開始喘了,全身都有不聽使喚的墜肉搖來晃去,健美先生還仍在電視裡繼續喊著"Keep moving!","Ya! Good job!".......
※註:《Super Size Me》,近幾年的一部紀錄片電影,這部電影的製作人自己當白老鼠吃整個月的麥當勞之紀錄片,其中譯片名:《麥把我ㄍㄧㄥ大了》。

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Web Design is a new subject of this semester. After one week, I think this class is not so interesting as I thought. We did some search and define of computer words. We just wrote an article at class about our idea of web you'll design. I put the article below to share.
My idea of web design

My website will be an information website. One of my hobbies is reading, so, I go to bookstore often. The goal for me to go to bookstore is knowing about new books, reading new issue magazines, finding art performances(such as drama and concert), and searching some author's speech information.

Some time I have no time to go to bookstore, so I go to bookstore's or publisher's website (such as Kingstone Bookstore and Crown Publisher). Because of business problem, they may keep some information as a secret, than sell the information for one of the public media. If I want to know all the information, I need to visit bookstore's and publisher's, even newspaper's and TV's website. It wastes too much time. I believe some people hate wasting time on that but afraid to miss some program. This time, you need a multiple information website, and this is what I want to do.

In my website, first, I will provide the latest books information. I'm interested in novel, essay, travel literature, and some of poem. I may recommend these types only. But I will put an area in the website for all the visitors to provide the books information that they're interested in. So, it will be all types of books in my website.

Second, I will put the mainly art ticket sellers' website link in my website. The 2 mainly art ticket sellers in Taiwan, they sell drama, concert, dance, etc performance's ticket. They provide sufficient performance's information. I will also put the website link, Ministry of Culture in every county government. They provide official art information.

Third, the new issue magazine information can be found in magazines' website. Although, it's not possible they put the entire article in magazine on their website let you can read for free. But most of time, they put some attraction article in website. Because of copyright, all I can do is adopt the article and also introduce this magazine, and tell you how much the magazine is.

Fourth, I will ask the publisher to provide their author's speech information. So, this website will have all kinds of information.

Above all, the chat room is important to this website. So, you can use this website to meet new friends who has the same hobbies as you. You can also debate with others about a book you have read or a performance you have watched. It's a good thing for a love-read reader. Reading one book, you have your new idea and opinion. Debating with others, you have not only an idea or opinion, and also encourage yourself to use brain to think. Knowledge is not only one guy can build. You need to understand what other is thinking about.

This website's name will be Internet Reading and Information Club. Are you ready to join us?








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我的新課表除了首堂的合唱不變,剩下三節是:網頁設計、美國史、心理學。美國史老師很風趣,雖然今天只是講解課堂規則,但同學仍笑聲不斷,相信他是很有待動氣氛能力的老師,也許歷史在他手中將變得生動有趣!他還在課堂近尾聲的二十分鐘以對答方式與我一同介紹台灣,我說了「十二生肖」、「McCreary Couny與台灣之不同」和回答大家對於台灣的疑惑(之前有人問過台灣有沒有狗,今天有人問台灣有沒有動物,這......),老師則向同學解釋大陸與台灣之間和美國三方的特殊政治關係,雖然他把美國說得是個「保護台灣的勇者」:若中國武力犯台,美國將替台灣抵抗,但......勇者仍就把自己的利益放前頭,所謂的「美國將替台灣抵抗」已概括了太大範圍,至於背後動機他可沒提到的囉!但這都是政治問題,我無須多說什麼,因為,今天又有人問:你討厭中國人嗎?
心理學的老師很瘋狂,他的課堂,笑聲比歷史課還大,但他的美式幽默我比較不能體會,至於他今天上課的內容,記憶最深的是他說:Your parents are liars.(你的父母都是說謊者),似乎就是要說「不要輕易相信別人」。這讓我想起以前聽過一個故事:不知是哪一國父母為教導子女「人心是險惡的,不要輕易相信別人」說完就把孩子抱上餐桌,要他跳下來,並告訴他說:「跳下來!我會接住你!」但當孩子跳下的剎那,卻立刻縮手,讓他摔個鼻青臉腫,但毫不同情的又說:「不是告訴過你了?『不要輕易相信別人』」
....A long time ago, three very wise, but blind, men were out on the journey when they come across a sleeping elephant. Because they could not see the elephant, they did not know what was blocking their way, so they set about to discover what they could about the obstacle.
As it happened, each man put his hands on a different section of the elephant, examining it in great detail and with much thought. The fist man, having felt the elephant's trunk, described a creature that was long, wormlike, and quite flexible. "No, no! You must be mistaken," said the second man who was seated astride the elephant. "This creature is wide, very round, and does not move very much." The man who was holding one of the elephant's tusks added his description of a small, hard, pointed creature......
相信你也看出來了!這正是「瞎子摸象」,課本藉此故事來說「人類的複雜行為是必須要一些相關的方式才能了解的,不能偏頗,已偏概全。」上學期英文課上到一位作家Edger Allen Poe,他有一篇作品(詩)是Anabel lee(見下)附上,我便興奮的告訴老師:台灣的英文課本有這首詩唷(龍騰版)!現在也可以很高興的與大家分享,美國的心理學課本引用「瞎子摸象」呢!
Edgar Allan Poe: Annabel Lee (1849)
It was many and many a year ago,
In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
By the name of ANNABEL LEE;
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
Than to love and be loved by me.
I was a child and she was a child,
In this kingdom by the sea;
But we loved with a love that was more than love-
I and my Annabel Lee;
With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven
Coveted her and me.
And this was the reason that, long ago,
In this kingdom by the sea,
A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling
My beautiful Annabel Lee;
So that her highborn kinsman came
And bore her away from me,
To shut her up in a sepulchre
In this kingdom by the sea.
The angels, not half so happy in heaven,
Went envying her and me-
Yes!–that was the reason (as all men know,
In this kingdom by the sea)
That the wind came out of the cloud by night,
Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee.
But our love it was stronger by far than the love
Of those who were older than we-
Of many far wiser than we-
And neither the angels in heaven above,
Nor the demons down under the sea,
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee.
For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyes
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side
Of my darling–my darling–my life and my bride,
In the sepulchre there by the sea,
In her tomb by the sounding sea.

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Today is the last day of 2005. Most of people in the city may go to join a big party, than count down "5,4,3,2,1, Happy New Year!" and be crazy all night.
Taiwan is 13 hours earlyer than here. I read United Daily News(聯合報) online, it said that TAIPEI 101 will have a firework show. And the show will be live relay on CNN News. I was excited about that, so I want to watch the firework show.
When I waked up, sat in front of TV, and turned the channel to CNN. "Damn it! It's already 11:08!(So, Taiwan is 00:08)" I said sadly. I guessed I miss the firework show. But, I thoght the news channel should report the same news every hour. So, I was patience and still sat in front of TV for one hour. Only CNN, I didn't change channel.
11:55, it's the end of news report this hour, the screen showed the firework in "HONH KONG, CHINA" to be the end of the news.
12:03, the news report started a new hour. There are 4 breaking news. One of them is "There was a firework in HONH KONG, CHINA one hour before....." the reporter said. "Where's Taiwan?"I thought. I gave up. I don't want to wait one more hour to wait the firework show in Taiwan. I would rather believe that I missed the news, not CNN ignored Taiwan.
P.S. Share with you the picture on the TOP. It's U.S.A. stamps, but the subject is Chinese Lunar New Year. Is that cool?
Eventually, I enjoyed the pearl mike tea which should be 2 persons quantity by myself, and cherished it and drank in it......
(其實這不是新文章,而是之前<異國珍奶 台灣滋味>之譯文。我請媽咪寄了中國時報給我,和Felicia分享,她好奇內容是啥,我便嘗試著把文章翻譯,歡迎大家給予文法上的指導!)

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昨天是平安夜,Felicia因為任職急診室護士,輪班關係,所以她仍需在節日上班,家族的聚餐因此定於前天(12/23)下午。我們有著跟感恩節大餐(見Thanksgiving)雷同的菜色以及相同的人物,不同的是,家裡的聖誕樹堆滿了家族之間互贈的禮物。我們在大餐後聚集一塊拆禮物,我和Jacob僅先拆了幾個來自Felicia, Janet, and grandmom的禮物,剩下的就等到聖誕老人來訪後〈也就是聖誕節早上)再拆囉!
"Jacky! Wake up! Santa claus is coming."周日一早八點半就被叫醒了,Jacob早就就緒準備拆禮物,但拆禮物是全家圍繞在聖誕樹旁,看聖誕老人為我們帶來啥驚喜,所以待全員到期後,才正式開始。我瞧見桌上一個空杯子裡頭有喝剩的牛奶與兩塊餅乾,呵!聖誕老人愛喝牛奶,聖誕樹旁記得要準備一杯!牆上一排聖誕襪也都裝載了禮物,像聖誕老人真的來過似的。
至於我拿到了些什麼呢,我把所有禮物(含朋友送的)全部陳列於下分享。比較有趣的禮物是,當天在聖誕大餐後,家族中有位年紀比我大上五歲左右的大男生拿到一盒保險套,卡片註明:Protect you and her! Ha ha ha! 

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This sunday is Christmas, it also means we have only half christmas holidays rest. (We'll start school after New Year's Day, Jan. 2nd.)
Our family celebration will take place tomorrow, it's a big dinner and family reunion, just like we did on Thanksgiving. I designed a family Christmas card(I show it on the bottom of this article.), we printed 30 copies out, I'm glad they like it.
These days, we got many Christmas cards from Felicia's family and friends. But most of them, there's only signature on the cards. They have really different writing cards custom from Taiwan.
I got some christmas wishes in my e-mail. Actually, the e-cards make not much sensation. But I still happy the friends who wrote me e-cards. Something really cheers me up is that I got 3 Christmas cards from Taiwan. 2 of them from friends, the rest one is from EF. It touched my heart very much.
Thanks for the technology, it makes our life faster. But we lose some emotion. So far, I wrote a bunch of postcards and cards to family and friends. Some of them sent me mail or left me some messages when they got the card. I would like to write the postcards only because I thught the feeling when you read the real words on a real card exceed when you read words on the e-mail. Do you agree with me?
Anyway, I want to say thank you to Chung-hsien, Yun-yun, and EF. I like the cards very much!

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Universal Pictures' King Kong

回到家後,應我要求,我們到電影院品嘗新版《金剛》(Felicia一直把金剛說成:Jacky wants to watch Hong Kong or Kong Kong....)。這部老電影,前幾天在電視台看到了舊版(第一代)後半段:舊版的金剛很假,看得出用燈光效果把小物體放大而作成,畫面黑白也不精緻。今天看的新版〈第三代〉,總長三小時又七分鐘,裡頭的金剛更是逼真的隨時要跳出銀幕。
片末有一句話堪稱經典:"It wasn't airplane, it's beauty kill the beast."(不是飛機殺了金剛,而是美女。)食色性也,美女的誘惑是超越人獸之間的!?

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下周日就是聖誕節,家裡的聖誕樹下早已堆滿了禮物,雖然都是接待家庭準備的,但其中有幾項卻註明:"To:Jacky , From: Santa",聖誕老人在孩子心中永遠不滅。
在學校也收到了幾張卡片和禮物。美國人寫卡片很懶,卡片通常會印有一些祝福的話,他們只在上面簽名﹔收到的禮物,最有趣的一項是 ─ 有人買了個印有龍圖騰的雙節棍給我,令我哭笑不得,不過此時發現取名字的重要性:"Jacky Cheng(承)"同學總愛這麼稱我。頓時讓我想到,剛到接待家庭時,接待媽媽帶我參加「獵人訓練」(見Hunter)填報名表時,她在我的名字欄填上"Chih Hsieh",姓氏欄填上"Cheng",直到那張「獵人許可」寄到家時,我才發現姓名放錯位置。接待媽媽笑著說:「我真把你當Jackie Chen了!」
家族的聖誕節大餐,今年恰也在我的接待家庭主辦,所以跟感恩節大餐一樣,大家會再團聚一次,只是這次「火雞」肯定不是主角了!同時,明起兩周是聖誕假期,就跟我們的寒假性質相同。先祝福大家Merry Christmas and Hapy New Year!

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  • Dec 17 Sat 2005 11:54
  • Final

Today is friday, it's the very last school day. But because of too cold, there are some ice on the road, so we get one more holiday! (I have heard about "snow day" before, it just like our "typhoon day" in Taiwan. But they told me that "snow day" depends upon the ice on the road. If ice on the road, it's dangerous on the way to school.)


Yesterday was first final day. I had test on first and third period. (And today should be the second final day, there are tests on the second and fourth perod.) My second period is physics, I had showed you our physics final test in last article. Fourth period is art, we will do open book test. As for the first period (madrigal) and third period (English) tests, I really have self-confident on that. Because I had learned music before, and English teacher help us to get good grade.


We made posters on Wednesday. The details on posters are vocabulary definition, author's life and typical bookmaking, and something important we had read in novals. Teacher also made us study guide. We can put something we thought we need in test on a small piece of paper, and we can use that paper in test. Anyway, the test style is really different from Taiwan.


The most difficult part in all tests is "open response". You have to write a short essay to reply the question. I hoped I did it ok.

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下周就是Final Week,不僅是"最後"一周,同時更是"期末考"周。在台灣時,記得期末考之前,大伙兒兢兢業業的準備考試,每天都在比誰的黑眼圈深(抑或是比誰比較會抱佛腳?Ha ha....just kidding),同時期待著考完試後的自由解放以及寒暑假的到來。
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Tonight(12/5) is my very first time formal performance. Although, madrigal often be invited to perform, but we always sing the same songs. But this time is different. We prepared about 8 songs, and we both sang and danced. All the songs are talkng about Christmas.
We started practicing at 2 months ago. At first, I enjoyed singing and dancing. But when we practiced constanly, the same song again and again everyday, I fell a little bit tired of that. But Christmas performance only once a year, and it sells tickets. We have to sing perfect. OK! "Practice makes prefact." Stop complaining.
How did I do tonight? I guess it's OK. Because I felt nervous. Although I ain't in the first line, but I still can see a lot of audience. It's been a long time I did't stand in front of large amount of people. Feeling nervous is normal, right?

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Our school have our own newspaper. It print out once a season. All the writer in the journalisim class. I would like to be one of the writers, but the class time is the same as madrigal, so I can choice one of them.
Although, I can't write article on the article, but I can be reported. Because that time in the Kentucky All-state Adjudication Choir(見All-state Choral Adjudication) I did pretty good grade. Scott wrote an article about we 6 persons in the choir. All of us did good job.
I want not only to share with you this article, but also want to share with you our school newspaper, so I asked the newspaper leader teacher about the newspaper file. The files are .pdf(use Adobe Reader to open). I was tried to put the file online, but after I update the file. it can't be download anymore. So all I can do is change the file from .pdf to .jpg. So you can see that in the photo file. But words on the newspaper may be blurred. So if you know how to put .pdf online, please tell me!

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story.chou.supporters.ap.jpg Supporters of Taiwan's Kuomintang (KMT) celebrate
Supporters of the opposition Nationalist Party county candidate Chou Hsi-wei cheer during a rally.(CNN)
The result is seen as a vote of confidence in the KMT's chairman.(BBC)
看完了台灣的報紙,又是心血來潮,跑到CNNBBC的網站,在搜尋處打下"Taiwan",兩家媒體都有了個關於這次選舉的報導類似標題"Taiwan opposition party wins poll",不過CNN的報導不敢直稱"Taiwan",而用"TAIPEI, Taiwan"。看到他們把馬英九陳水扁等人名和他們說的話翻譯成英文,讀了就覺得有趣,好像都是剛剛在台灣報紙讀到的新聞以不同語言重現。例如:"The KMT did not beat the DPP. The DPP was defeated by itself," KMT Chairman Ma Ying-jeou said.(「不是國民黨打敗民進黨,而是民進黨打敗自己。」國民黨黨主席馬英九說。)

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(↑LEFT: made in the end of August, RIGHT: made in October)
Every students have to make photo with a formal dress, boys wear tuxedo. After I made photo in August, and the photo company printed out for me. My mom said that my smile is weird, just like acting; Felicia had no comments. I thought it's ok.
After about a month, the same company came to school and made formal photo again. (I guess maybe they didn't get too many orders in the first time.) So, I made the formal dress photo again.
Today, I got the photo made at second time. When I saw my photo, I thougt it's funny. Because I had pell-mell hair, even forgot smiling. But the most amazing thing is......I can feel I become "strong".
Wa-ha-ha........American food...........

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今天是籃球季開始的第一天,同樣於當時足球季的首日,第四節課全校齊聚體育館,為今年度的男籃女籃選手加油,啦啦隊表演當然也少不了,大家尖叫著"Go Raiders Go!",並大力的為依依叫名出列的選手們與啦啦隊精湛的表演鼓掌。
比賽開始!兩隊球員以跳球開球,Felicia興奮的隨著啦啦隊加油拍手,坐在一旁的其他家長也喊著自己孩子的名字加油,每每Jacob球到手時,Jess & Felicia口中都念念有詞的為Jacob加油,"Go son! You can do it!",父母對孩子的愛不論在世界各地各區各家庭都是顯露無遺的。
賽中當然也發生不少趣事,例如A隊的球員進攻時竟猛跑向B隊籃框,走步、二次也一再發生,不過這些細節都被過濾掉了,在父母眼中的每個孩子,都是the best!

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